hl7au / au-fhir-core

AU Core FHIR Implementation Guide Source
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Examples clean up #132

Open dt-r opened 6 months ago

dt-r commented 6 months ago
  1. from allergyintolerance-noneknown remove code from http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/CodeSystem/absent-unknown-uv-ips

  2. all instances where encounter reference is a display need to be fixed.

  3. Delete the body structure files & from ig.xml

  4. Remove Location examples - can the physio one go?

  5. Replace the set of practitioners, practitionerroles, organizations – those were placehodlers for the Services Australia data. One or two may be kept as long as they have no HPI-Is, HPI-Os. Can keep bobrester set. Replace all others.

  6. In Organization-bobrester-medical-center replace HPI-O with ABN

  7. The procedure dialysis is part of a multiple chronic condition care plan and says so – fix that

  8. Performers with only display are poor practice, fix. Max of one example can do that for now.

  9. remove provenance delete

  10. bodyweight-2 should be bodyweight-1

  11. ig.xml missing entry for Medication-2active-ingredients and Medication-simvastatin, it's unclear if the example file needs to be deleted or the IG needs an entry

  12. ig.xml missing entry for MedicationStatement-simvastatin, it's unclear if the example file needs to be deleted or the IG needs an entry

Likely not time before generating ballot snapshot but will need to remove the examples sourced from MCC and replace.

dt-r commented 6 months ago

After this clean up the set of examples needs to be revised against the principles during ballot resolution.