hl7au / au-fhir-pd

Australian context FHIR profile for provider directory services
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Healthcareservice examples #39

Closed dattachandan closed 1 year ago

dattachandan commented 1 year ago

Is the link for AUPD HCS samples missing or deleted? I am getting a 404 on this https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7au/au-fhir-pd/StructureDefinition-au-pd-healthcareservice-examples.html


robeastwood-agency commented 1 year ago

Hi @dattachandan

All of the example menu pages for the AUPD profiles are broken - this is a known issue due to this IG using the deprecated publishing methodology (ie ig.json and embeded html styling etc).

This is being addressed via issue #33 - and I am looking to have a PR to this repo sometime next week.

In the meantime, while the menus to get to the examples are broken, the examples are still present:

dattachandan commented 1 year ago

Thanks @robeastwood-agency

I will wait for the PR to go through there.

Is GitHub Master branch usually location for the  source for the source of truth followed by the CI build for the IG publisher? Basically the code change through sushi triggers the CI build for the artefact to be in the FHIR Build server followed by the publication in the webpage. image


Is the validator GUI setup for the AUPD examples because I can see multiple AU PD options for the selected release version?


robeastwood-agency commented 1 year ago

Hi @dattachandan

Yes that is correct - the GitHub master branch is considered the source of truth for the input files.

And also (mostly) correct about the CI build - when the master branch in GitHub receives a commit[^1], the IG is automatically built and deployed to https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7au/au-fhir-pd/. I write mostly correct as this IG does not contain any sushi / fsh input files. All of the input files are formatted in xml, as you have shown in your first screen shot immediately above.

Regarding the web FHIR validator, I cannot say for sure as I don't use this tool not am I close to the actual PD content. I suspect that the duplications of hl7.fhir.au.pd shown in the 'Select IG' drop down are actually different versions of this IG. See the AUPD version history page that lists all of the versions, the latest being v2.0.1.

I hope that helps, but if you do need further/deeper clarification of the actual AUPD content, I'd defer to those with superior knowledge, such as @brettesler-ext

[^1]: Note that the auto-builder is triggered for any branch, not just master. In which case the other branches become available at this url https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7au/au-fhir-pd/branches/

dattachandan commented 1 year ago

Hi @robeastwood-agency , Thanks, couple of followup questions:


robeastwood-agency commented 1 year ago

Hi @dattachandan

Some of these questions I can answer, but as I am only an external contributor to the HL7AU FHIR IGs, I cannot speak with any authority.

Re: is the AUPD spec being migrated to fsh DSL and sushi tooling As far as I know, there is no activity underway (nor plans) for the migration to use fsh / sushi. If this was of interest to you, it could be raised as a separate GitHub ticket here and be addressed by one of the HL7AU administrators.

Re: is there going to be someway to link the AU core work such as the national identifiers to the AUPD spec? This AUPD spec is derived from AU Base, and in so doing, gains access to all of the specified national identifier types relevant to the profiles within this spec. For example, see the AU PD Practitioner profile that has available to it a number of the AU Base Practitioner identifier types, such as HPI-I etc.


Linking to the AU Core IG instead, or more specifically being derived from it, was recently raised at a HL7 AU FHIR Working Group meeting with the view that, as an implementable IG spec, AUPD should be derived from AU Core. The conclusion was to consider this at a future point.

Re: are you using the validator CLI, if so would you be able to give me a sample CLI with the flags that works for the HCS service example? A sample FHIR validator command to validate a given HealthcareService instance against the AU PD Healthcare Service profile is the following:

java -jar /path/to/validator_cli.jar /path/to/HealthcareService-example.xml -version 4.0.1 -ig hl7.fhir.au.pd#current -profile http://hl7.org.au/fhir/pd/StructureDefinition/au-pd-healthcareservice

Re: is there some funding in the recent accelerator program announcement for tooling, validation and sample data for AUPD work as well? This question is far beyond the scope of this ticket and should be raised with the Sparked Programme directly; which according to their home page looks like FHIR@csiro.au.

dattachandan commented 1 year ago

Great, thanks @robeastwood-agency for the examples