hl7au / au-fhir-test-data

HL7 AU FHIR Test Data
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Practitioner: Add Services Australia provided PBS Prescriber Numbers #16

Closed dt-r closed 2 months ago

dt-r commented 5 months ago

Permission has been granted from Services Australia to publish the PBS Prescriber Numberss. Please add and update the README.

heathfrankel commented 2 months ago

I have used the DHCA_TestProviders_Presciber numbers_20240219.xlsx file located in https://csiroau.sharepoint.com/sites/DoHACCSIROdigitalhealthcollaborationspace/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=rdB17q&cid=830dd053%2D34dc%2D4b97%2D8d2c%2D4a536bcb5eb3&FolderCTID=0x0120000F26A9422A29BF469B9EF2D4E54FC284&id=%2Fsites%2FDoHACCSIROdigitalhealthcollaborationspace%2FShared%20Documents%2FAU%20Core%20TDG%2FTest%20Data%2FDHCA%5FTestData%20with%20identifiers%20%2D%20approved%2020240405&viewid=48e2dbcd%2D6a9a%2D4167%2D9e0d%2Df7e88d3f2489 and copied over the top of the DHCA_TestProviders_Presciber numbers_20240224.xlsx file located in the parent folder. The latter is referenced by the AU Core Test Data.xlsx file, and I didn't want to have to update all the formulas to use a different file name. The Prescriber Numbers now appear in the generated Practitioner test data.