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Incomplete ValueSet Allergies for eVACDOC (Daniel Ratschiller, CISTEC AG) #15

Closed drats-cis closed 3 years ago

drats-cis commented 3 years ago

The value set seems to us to be too short.

From the current mapping work on the IG Allergy&Intolerances, we would know that the following allergies from the HCI-Hospindex would exist in the minium.

CHA-Code Auslösende Substanz im Hospindex ISCODE (X=aktiv) Anzahl Produkte bei HCI Titel der Allergie (Hospindex) Code1 Cistec-Mapping Text1 Cistec-Mapping
CHA-387 (null) X #NV Cholera-Impfstoff-Allergie    
CHA-395 (null) X #NV Haemophilus influenza B-Impfstoff-Allergie 294664000 Allergy to Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (finding)
CHA-390 Hepatitis-A-Adsorbat-Impfstoff X 4 Hepatitis A-Impfstoff-Allergie 294663006 Allergy to Hepatitis A virus vaccine (finding)
CHA-389 Hepatitis-B-Impfstoff, rekombiniert, monovalent X 8 Hepatitis B-Impfstoff-Allergie 294646007 Allergy to Hepatitis B virus vaccine (finding)
CHA-394 Pertussis acellulär Adsorbat Impfstoff X 3 Pertussis-Impfstoff-Allergie 294651001 Allergy to pertussis vaccine (finding)
CHA-484 Pneumokokken-Polysaccharid-CRM-Konjugat-Impfstoff, 13-valent, Pneumokokken-Polysaccharid-Impfstoff 23-valent X 2 Pneumokokken-Impfstoff-Allergie 294652008 Allergy to pneumococcal vaccine (finding)
CHA-392 Poliomyelitis-Impfstoff inaktiviert, trivalent, Poliomyelitisviren Typ 1 inaktiviert (Mahoney), Poliomyelitisviren Typ 2 inaktiviert (MEF-1), Poliomyelitisviren Typ 3 inaktiviert (Saukett) X 19 Poliomyelitis-Impfstoff-Allergie 294654009 Allergy to Poliovirus vaccine (finding)
CHA-124 Rota Virus human (Stamm: RIX4414) X 1 Rotavirus-Lebendimpfstoff-Allergie 700468006 Allergy to Rotavirus vaccine (finding)
CHA-388 Röteln-Lebend-Impfstoff (HDC-Zellen), Stamm Wistar RA 27/3 X 5 Röteln-Impfstoff-Allergie 294656006 Allergy to rubella vaccine (finding)
CHA-486 Tetanus-Adsorbat-Impfstoff X 8 Tetanus-Impfstoff-Allergie 294658007 Allergy to tetanus vaccine (finding)
CHA-391 Tollwut-Impfstoff, inaktiviert (HDC-Zellen); Stamm WISTAR PM/WI 38-1503-3M, Tollwut-Impfstoff, inaktiviert (PCEC); Stamm Flury LEP X 4 Tollwut-Impfstoff-Allergie 294655005 Allergy to Rabies vaccine (finding)
CHA-396 BCG-Lebend-Impfstoff; Stamm RIVM, BCG-Lebend-Impfstoff; Stamm TICE, Mycobacterium bovis BCG (Stamm-Kopenhagen 1331) X 4 Tuberkulose-Impfstoff-Allergie 293635003 Allergy to tuberculin (finding)
CHA-393 Salmonella typhi, lebend; Stamm Ty 21a, Typhus-Lebend-Impfstoff, oral, Typhus-Polysaccharid-Impfstoff X 3 Typhus-Impfstoff-Allergie 294659004 Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen
CHA-397 Varizellen-Lebend-Impfstoff attenuiert (Stamm OKA), Varizellen-Lebend-Impfstoff; Stamm OKA/Merck X 6 Varizellen-Impfstoff-Allergie 294639003 Allergy to Varicella-zoster virus antibody (finding)

Inspired by SCT, there could be as many as 19: https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&conceptId1=863903001&edition=MAIN/2021-01-31&release=&languages=en • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Bacillus anthracis antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Bordetella pertussis antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Clostridium tetani antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Haemophilus influenzae type B antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis A virus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Hepatitis B virus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Human poliovirus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Influenza virus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Neisseria meningitidis antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Rabies lyssavirus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Rotavirus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Rubella virus antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen (finding) • Allergy to component of vaccine product containing Vaccinia virus antigen (finding)

What do you think, shouldn't the valueset be extended accordingly?

ralych commented 3 years ago

The allergies relevant for immunizations are based on the EKIF recommendations and the CDSS system of viavac.

drats-cis commented 3 years ago

I am slightly puzzled by the wontfix label. What kind of CDS is it if it does not take into account a known allergy to a vaccine for vaccination recommendations?

eHealth-Suisse commented 3 years ago

duplicate with #57 maybe worth to ask back to EKIF why/if these allergies are not relevant

ralych commented 3 years ago

Additional to EKIF the valueset is taken over from the art-decor valueset. The work what was to be done is to translate CDA to FHIR.

The question was forwarded to viavac in meantime.

eHealth-Suisse commented 3 years ago

value set has been enlarged, issue closed. Ticketsteller @drats-cis zur Kenntnis und für allfällige Einwände.