hl7ch / ch-vacd

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Redundant codeSystem SwissAllergyIntoleranceCodesystem #184

Closed eHealth-Suisse closed 2 months ago

eHealth-Suisse commented 10 months ago

The CodeSystem SwissAllergyIntoleranceCodesystem appears redundant. It contains 4 codes based on the structure of SNOMED CT. Instead of creating a new codesystem, it would be better to submit these 4 codes as a change request to the National Release Center.

ralych commented 10 months ago

These codes where in discussion but never brought up for snomed ct registration or where rejected. @PeroGrgic : what was the topic about them?

pjolo commented 8 months ago

I looked this issue with Pero. The four codes will be submitted as a change request to SNOMED International. Until then, this ticket will remain in the backlog.

PeroGrgic commented 5 months ago

SNOMED has added the vaccination codes:

All three codes will be introduced in the March release of the International Edition.

ralych commented 4 months ago

@PeroGrgic is it correct that 1303852006 |Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen (disorder)| --> combined code for varicella antigen & Herpes zoster since those are synonyms

replaces the two codes: http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-allergyintolerance-cs#allergyvaccineherpeszoster http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-allergyintolerance-cs#allergyvaccinevarizella ? @PeroGrgic @pjolo : translation for DE,FR,IT,RM is needed.

ralych commented 4 months ago

ci-build of branch

ralych commented 3 months ago

@pjolo still translation needed.

pjolo commented 3 months ago

@ralych The translations will be reviewed in the SNOMED groups and then I can give them to you

pjolo commented 2 months ago
@ralych: The missing translations: Code Deutsch Englisch Französisch Italiensich Räthoromanisch
1303850003 Unerwünschte Wirkung eines FSME-Impfstoffs Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen effet indésirable du vaccin contre la FSME reazione avversa al vaccino contro la TBE effect nungiavischà d'in vaccin FSME
1303851004 Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Humanen-Papillomaviren-Impfstoffs Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Human papillomavirus antigen effet indésirable du vaccin contre le papillomavirus humain reazione avversa al vaccino contro il papillomavirus umano effect nungiavischà d'in vaccin da pirlas da l'uman
1303852006 Unerwünschte Wirkung eines Varizellen-Impfstoffs Adverse reaction to component of vaccine product containing Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen effet indésirable du vaccin contre la varicelle reazione avversa al vaccino contro la varicella effect nungiavischà d'in vaccin cunter varizellas
700468006         allergia cunter il vaccin cunter Rotavirus
294657002         allergia cunter in vaccin en virola
294641002         allergia cunter in vaccin cunter antrax
39579001         reacziun anafilactica
ralych commented 2 months ago


ValueSet: ch-vacd-immunization-allergyintolerances-vs

@pjolo : please review and set to ready-2-merge if ok

pjolo commented 2 months ago

The adaptations are good