hl7ch / ch-vacd

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Bexsero vaccine missing in concept-map #208

Closed Antechronos closed 4 months ago

Antechronos commented 5 months ago

Hello, We are using the swissmedic codes value-set and the "Bexsero" vaccine is indeed defined there: https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet-ch-vacd-vaccines-vs.json.html

However is seems to be missing from both the "TargetDisease To VaccineCode" and "VaccineCode To TargetDisease" concept maps: https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ConceptMap-ch-vacd-targetdiseases-vaccines-cm.json.html https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ConceptMap-ch-vacd-vaccines-targetdiseases-cm.json.html

Swissmedic reference: https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/en/home/humanarzneimittel/authorisations/new-medicines/bexsero-injektionssuspension.html

Kind regards

pjolo commented 4 months ago

The changes are good