hl7ch / ch-vacd

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Adapt example "1.1 Immunisation Administration" #213

Closed pjolo closed 4 months ago

pjolo commented 4 months ago

ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd#4.0.1 /Bundle-1-1-ImmunizationAdministration.json.html

The example should be adapted. For Bundle.entry:Practitioner, Bundle.entry:PractitionerRole and Bundle.entry:Organization, the profiles http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/StructureDefinition/ch-core-practitioner, http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/StructureDefinition/ch-core-practitionerrole and http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/StructureDefinition/ch-core-organization should should be used similar to the example from CH EMED: https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-emed/Bundle-2-7-MedicationCard.json.html

The same changes should also be made for the example https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/Bundle-1-3-VaccinationRecord.json.html.

ralych commented 4 months ago

@pjolo this is in my opinion not correct. the composition is derived from CompositionEPR. And for the Composition.subject, Composition.author und Composition.section.author are pointing on the corresponding EPR profiles.

It is correct that the entries i.e. Immunization.patient, Immunization.performer are pointing to the not EPR profiles. But it is not wrong to take an EPR profile Patient resource as reference.

Im MedicationCard composition Profil wurde das was in der CoreComposiitonEpr definiert wurde überschrieben.