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cvr oid not registred correctly #34

Closed Kirstinerosenbeck closed 2 years ago

Kirstinerosenbeck commented 2 years ago

Find out is this is OK, maybe ask CVR? http://oid-info.com/get/2.16.840.1.113883.

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

FHIR generally has a huge preference for using URL's over OID's. May I suggest we use http://cvr.dk instead?

Cambine commented 2 years ago

The advances of using "oid" is a static and unique identification of a organization. A http adress may change.. Lets stick to the rule : use "oid" if it exists

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

That is not the point here. is just as static as http://abc.com - both are symbolic names. There are no requirements to whether it should resolve or not.

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

The fact that anyone can register an OID undermines (exemplified by http://oid-info.com/get/2.16.840.1.113883. the 'static'-ness and it shows that OID's are just as flaky as anything else. The advantage of using URL's is that they to some extent are actually human readable

Cambine commented 2 years ago

But if the CVR register changes to DRV then the static name cvr.dk is quite confusing

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

then you either stick to the address, change the address or make a new identifier

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

If you really think using OID's are the best way forward and you don't think my arguments are persuasive enough, I suggest you ask on the FHIR chat why they prefer URL's over OID's.

Cambine commented 2 years ago

Well, my point is that if there exists a valid oid for the cvr register we shall use the oid. If not a, decision has to be made regarding which static value to use to identify the cvr. And I have no better suggestion than "http://cvr.dk"

jkiddo commented 2 years ago

I'm unaware of any official registration of the CVR OID.

Kirstinerosenbeck commented 2 years ago

Jeg har talt med Morten fra erhvervsstyrelsen, som er CVR systemansvarlig. Han er aldrig blevet spurgt om noget lignende før ;-) Jeg aftalte med ham at vi releasede med enten den eksisterende OID eller http://cvr.dk (det måtte vi selv bestemme). Og så lovede jeg at sende ham information om HL7 Danmark og vores profilering af Organisation, så de har mulighed for at nikke eller protestere ift. cvr-relaterede designvalg enten før, eller frem mod næste release.

jvitrifork commented 2 years ago

Fixed with https://github.com/hl7dk/dk-core/commit/ffdb76c0fae72b31de5be5466823732c615b0930 - http://cvr.dk is chosen for now