hlashbrooke / WordPress-Plugin-Template

A robust code template for creating a standards-compliant WordPress plugin.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.03k stars 329 forks source link

The future of this plugin template repository. #104

Open jonathanbossenger opened 1 year ago

jonathanbossenger commented 1 year ago

This plugin template repository has seen a renewed interest in recent times. However, as the current maintainer, I no longer have time to review open issues/PRs, etc, and so the project is stagnating a little.

It is, therefore, my suggestion that this repository be marked as archived, with an update of this status included in the readme, so that other interested parties can fork it, and maintain their own improved versions. This repository can then include links to the forked versions.

@hlashbrooke as the original creator of this repository, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

hlashbrooke commented 1 year ago

That sounds good to me! I'll archive it today and update the readme.