hlissner / zsh-autopair

Auto-close and delete matching delimiters in zsh
MIT License
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Text following cursor Interferes with autocompletion #3

Open hlissner opened 8 years ago

hlissner commented 8 years ago

Assuming | is the cursor position:

echo $AUTOPAIR_PAIRS[|] => Tab


Hash completion


Trailing ] interferes with completion and no completion is done.


This allows completion to work regardless of what's in front of the cursor:

bindkey '^I' expand-or-complete-prefix

I want a better solution though. Perhaps a combination of setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD and _prefix completion...?

IngoMeyer441 commented 6 years ago

Does the workaround still work? I tried it for

echo ${|}

to complete environment variables but it does not seem to work on zsh 5.5.1.