hltcoe / patapsco

Cross language information retrieval pipeline
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Handling PSQ expanded query length by 1024 (machine generated queries are long) #53

Open cramraj8 opened 1 year ago

cramraj8 commented 1 year ago

@cash , I remember there was a version of Patapsco where the query length is also truncated and after expanded with PSQ terms also the new query is truncated by 1024 tokens. But when I run the current GitHub version, I get the error : too many boolean clauses org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException . Do you know if we have to manually raise a flag to handle that ?

cash commented 1 year ago

Yes, I need to merge that in from the other repo. Sorry for the delay on that!

cramraj8 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, we are working on the BETTER project submission which is incorporating patapsco. If you could fast process this by today, that will be really helpful.

cash commented 1 year ago

@cramraj8 those commits are now pushed to master!