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Hosting zip files for product trial license #301

Closed keith-kaplan closed 11 months ago

keith-kaplan commented 11 months ago

We are standing up a registration experience for one of our product trials. When someone fills out the form and selects it, they'll get an email with a link to the trial file. We need to host all the files in the zip folder below in Git Hub so users can download these files. I can't host each file in SharePoint bc I can't publish a zip.

Compress file is here (/drafts/keith/dicom) - https://merative.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/Merative.comWebsite/Shared%20Documents/website/drafts/Keith/DICOM/[dicom-files.zip](https://merative.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/Merative.comWebsite/Shared%20Documents/website/drafts/Keith/DICOM/dicom-files.zip?csf=1&web=1&e=azQGe2)?csf=1&web=1&e=azQGe2

May we please place these files in the following location? merative.com/resources/dicom-toolkit/.....

keith-kaplan commented 11 months ago

@proeung @helms-charity is this something you could help do this week?

helms-charity commented 11 months ago

Do you need this file to not be available to the public? cc: @amol-anand

keith-kaplan commented 11 months ago

I do. We need people to be able to download them.

helms-charity commented 11 months ago

OK, so it doesn't matter if some random downloads it (because Github is public and searchable)?

keith-kaplan commented 11 months ago

Yes, all good.

keith-kaplan commented 11 months ago

Hosting these in AEM Assets.