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FR: Magazine Article Title #769

Open ZoeBeykirch opened 2 days ago

ZoeBeykirch commented 2 days ago


As a Mack Trucks content editor, I want to display the title of my magazine articles directly below the hero image so that the look and feel of the magazine articles are more visually appealing and clearer to my readers.

Acceptance Criteria

User AC:

Non-functional AC:

Open question:

Attachment / link to Figma

Desktop: https://www.figma.com/design/oNwe2jHIICPMIe551EY62l/Mack-Reskin---Full-Project?m=dev&node-id=14119-2346&t=OzJ5YG4rxbZQJ4nc-1


Mobile: https://www.figma.com/design/oNwe2jHIICPMIe551EY62l/Mack-Reskin---Full-Project?m=dev&node-id=2222-52861&t=OzJ5YG4rxbZQJ4nc-1
