hlxsites / vg-volvotrucks-us

Franklin site for https://www.volvotrucks.us/
Apache License 2.0
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CR: Medium - Video module issues with unexpanded / expanded state #564

Open shirin27 opened 4 months ago

shirin27 commented 4 months ago

From vg-volvotrucks-us-rd created by ZoeBeykirch: Netcentric/vg-volvotrucks-us-rd#223

For the expanding video module block on the redesign homepage, the video should not revert to unexpanded state when the user continues scrolling down the page. The video should only revert to the unexpanded state if the user scrolls up, past the video module.

Current Result:


Desired Result: https://www.figma.com/file/Id3nd9kbfh8TpS1SfWhrW2/Volvo-Component-Library?type=design&node-id=410%3A1174&mode=design&t=16k2LeP6swpEqDov-1

shirin27 commented 4 months ago

Agile requirement As a user, when I scroll down after watching an "expanded" video, the video remains expanded to make my experience nicer.

Description Alter the current volvo video block to make sure that when you scroll out of the video, it continues to be expanded.

Acceptance Criteria

NOTE: For a11y purposes, the pause button should also be visible in the unexpanded state

Open point:

shirin27 commented 4 months ago

The pause button can be moved with translate, taking into account --video-inset