Closed DC7IA closed 3 years ago
Should be fixed in commit ef443012be9a1c2b180afdd15713a0e6fff6812d. However, I have to charge and re-flash my RD-5R with OpenGD77 for testing it.
Can test, if you can give instructions on how to build.
The best way is to email it to dm3mat at darc dot de
Thanks for you work and patience!
Wrong issue, but can do. :D
It no longer warns about the limit and I can flash.
(Yes, I know you said I could brick my device, but I decided I'd try to debrick if it happened, which it did not.)
Looks like it works.
Ok from the binary code-plug I got
# Configuration generated Mi. Dez. 30 18:26:35 2020 by qdrm, version 0.4.5
# see for details.
# Unique DMR ID and name (quoted) of this radio.
ID: 2624308
Name: "DC7IA"
# Text displayed when the radio powers up (quoted).
IntroLine1: "DC7IA"
IntroLine2: "2624308"
# Microphone amplification, value 1..10:
MICLevel: 2
# Speech-synthesis ('On' or 'Off'):
Speech: Off
# Upload user-db ('On' or 'Off'):
UserDB: Off
# Table of digital channels.
# 1) Channel number: 1-1024
# 2) Name in quotes. E.g., "NAME"
# 3) Receive frequency in MHz
# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz
# 5) Transmit power: High, Low
# 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table
# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555
# 8) Receive only: -, +
# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color
# 10) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15
# 11) Time slot: 1 or 2
# 12) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table
# 13) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table
# 14) GPS System: - or index in GPS table.
Digital Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit CC TS RxGL TxC GPS
1 "DMR A 433.45" 433.45000 433.45000 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
2 "DMR 1 433.6125" 433.61250 433.61250 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
3 "DMR 2 433.625" 433.62500 433.62500 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
4 "DMR 3 433.6375" 433.63750 433.63750 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
5 "DMR 4 433.65" 433.65000 433.65000 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
6 "DMR 5 433.6625" 433.66250 433.66250 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
7 "DMR 6 433.675" 433.67500 433.67500 High - - - - 1 1 - 1 - # DM 1 WW
8 "DMR 7 433.6875" 433.68750 433.68750 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
9 "DMR A AllCall" 433.45000 433.45000 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
10 "DMR 1 AllCall" 433.61250 433.61250 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
11 "DMR 2 AllCall" 433.62500 433.62500 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
12 "DMR 3 AllCall" 433.63750 433.63750 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
13 "DMR 4 AllCall" 433.65000 433.65000 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
14 "DMR 5 AllCall" 433.66250 433.66250 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
15 "DMR 6 AllCall" 433.67500 433.67500 High - - - - 1 1 - 120 - # ALLCALL
16 "DMR 7 AllCall" 433.68750 433.68750 High - - - - 1 1 2 - -
17 "DB0HAT TS1" 438.35000 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 1 2 - -
18 "DB0HAT TS2" 438.35000 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 2 2 - -
19 "DB0MES TS1" 439.57500 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 1 2 - -
20 "DB0MES TS2" 439.57500 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 2 2 - -
21 "DB0DW TS1" 145.57500 -0.60000 High - - - - 1 1 2 - -
22 "DB0DW TS2" 145.57500 -0.60000 High - - - - 1 2 2 - -
23 "DB0HSK TS1" 438.81250 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 1 2 - -
24 "DB0HSK TS2" 438.81250 -7.60000 High - - - - 1 2 3 - -
25 "DB0DDS TS1" 439.85000 -9.40000 High - - - - 1 1 3 - -
26 "DB0DDS TS2" 439.85000 -9.40000 High - - - - 1 2 2 - -
27 "DB0LR TS1" 439.97500 -9.40000 High - - - - 2 1 2 - -
28 "DB0LR TS2" 439.97500 -9.40000 High - - - - 2 2 3 - -
29 "Hotspot" 433.62500 433.62500 High - - - - 1 1 3 - -
30 "Hotspot STD" 433.60000 433.60000 High - - - - 1 1 - - -
# Table of analog channels.
# 1) Channel number: 1-1024
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) Receive frequency in MHz
# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz
# 5) Transmit power: High, Low
# 6) Scan list: - or index
# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555
# 8) Receive only: -, +
# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone
# 10) Squelch level: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
# 11) CTCSS/DCS for receive: frequency (e.g, 67.0), DCS number (e.g., n023 or i023) or '-' to disable
# 12) CTCSS/DCS for transmit: frequency (e.g, 67.0), DCS number (e.g., n023 or i023) or '-' to disable
# 13) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 25
Analog Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Squelch RxTone TxTone Width
# Table of channel zones.
# 1) Zone number
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) VFO: Either A or B.
# 4) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Zone Name VFO Channels
1 "simplex" A 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
# Table of scan lists.
# 1) Scan list number: 1-250
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) Priority channel 1 (50% of scans): -, Sel or index
# 4) Priority channel 2 (25% of scans): -, Sel or index
# 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index
# 6) List of channels: numbers, Sel or ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Scanlist Name PCh1 PCh2 TxCh Channels
# Table of GPS systems.
# 1) GPS system ID
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) Destination contact ID.
# 4) Update period: period in ms
# 5) Revert channel ID or '-'.
GPS Name Dest Period Revert
# Table of contacts.
# 1) Contact number: 1-256
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) Call type: Group, Private, All or DTMF
# 4) Call ID: 1...16777215 or string with DTMF number
# 5) Call receive tone: -, +
Contact Name Type ID RxTone
1 "DM 1 WW" Group 1 -
2 "DM 2 Europa" Group 2 -
3 "DM 3 N-AMERICA" Group 3 -
4 "DM 5 AUSTRALIA" Group 5 -
5 "8 Regional" Group 8 -
6 "9 Local" Group 9 -
7 "DM 10 Local" Group 10 -
8 "DM 11 French" Group 11 -
9 "DM 12 Dutch" Group 12 -
10 "DM 13 WWE" Group 13 -
11 "DM 14 Spanish" Group 14 -
12 "DM 15 Portugese" Group 15 -
13 "DM 16 Italalian" Group 16 -
14 "DM 17 Nordic" Group 17 -
15 "DM 18 Russian" Group 18 -
16 "DM 20 DACH" Group 20 -
17 "DM 21 French EU" Group 21 -
18 "DM 22 Dutch EU" Group 22 -
19 "BM 91 WW" Group 91 -
20 "BM 92 EU" Group 92 -
21 "DM 110 Deutsch" Group 110 -
22 "DM 111 Franz." Group 111 -
23 "DM 113 Englisch" Group 113 -
24 "DM 114 Spanisch" Group 114 -
25 "DM 119 WWE" Group 119 -
26 "DM 120 Deutsch" Group 120 -
27 "DM 121 Franz." Group 121 -
28 "DM 123 Englisch" Group 123 -
29 "DM 124 Spanisch" Group 124 -
30 "DM 129 WWE" Group 129 -
31 "204 NL" Group 204 -
32 "206 BE" Group 206 -
33 "216 HU" Group 216 -
34 "228 CH" Group 228 -
35 "230 CZ" Group 230 -
36 "231 SK" Group 231 -
37 "232 AT" Group 232 -
38 "238 DK" Group 238 -
39 "262 DE" Group 262 -
40 "270 LU" Group 270 -
41 "BM 907 JOTA" Group 907 -
42 "BM 910 EU ger" Group 910 -
43 "BM 918 YOTA" Group 918 -
44 "BM 920 DACH" Group 920 -
45 "BM 927 nordic" Group 927 -
46 "BM 2041 NL Noord" Group 2041 -
47 "BM 2043 NL Zuid" Group 2043 -
48 "BM 2044 NL Oost" Group 2044 -
49 "BM 2061 ON north" Group 2061 -
50 "BM 2062 ON south" Group 2062 -
51 "BM 2381 DK N-jyl" Group 2381 -
52 "BM 2382 DK M-jyl" Group 2382 -
53 "BM 2383 DK SydDK" Group 2883 -
54 "BM 2384 DK Kopen" Group 2384 -
55 "BM 2385 DK Sjael" Group 2385 -
56 "BM 2386 DK Chat1" Group 2386 -
57 "BM 2387 DK Chat2" Group 2387 -
58 "BM2388DK DCS699B" Group 2388 -
59 "BM 2389 XLX238" Group 2389 -
60 "BM 23810 DK YSF" Group 23810 -
61 "BM23811 Wires SM" Group 23811 -
62 "BM23812 Wires DK" Group 23812 -
63 "2620 ST/MV" Group 2620 -
64 "2621 BE/BB" Group 2621 -
65 "2622 HH/SH" Group 2622 -
66 "2623 NI/HB" Group 2623 -
67 "2624 NW" Group 2624 -
68 "2625 RP/SL" Group 2625 -
69 "2626 HE" Group 2626 -
70 "2627 BW" Group 2627 -
71 "2628 BY" Group 2628 -
72 "2629 SN/TH" Group 2629 -
73 "BM 2702 LX north" Group 2702 -
74 "BM 3109 US4 4644" Group 3109 -
75 "BM 3100 USA" Group 3100 -
76 "BM 3139 Ohio" Group 3139 -
77 "BM 3148 Texas" Group 3148 -
78 "BM 3199 Hurrican" Group 3199 -
79 "BM 9101 maritime" Group 9101 -
80 "BM 9112 EMCOM EU" Group 9112 -
81 "BM 9911 EMCOM US" Group 9911 -
82 "BM 20421 Keistad" Group 20421 -
83 "BM 24080 XIL" Group 24080 -
84 "26200 TAC1" Group 26200 -
85 "BM 26223 CHAOS" Group 26223 -
86 "26299 TAC2" Group 26299 -
87 "BM 26345 PB" Group 26345 -
88 "ECHO TEST" Group 9990 -
89 "BM 26243 Ruhrg." Group 26243 -
90 "UKW TG80" Group 80 -
91 "UKW TG81" Group 81 -
92 "UKW TG82" Group 82 -
93 "UKW TG83" Group 83 -
94 "UKW TG84" Group 84 -
95 "UKW TG235" Group 235 -
96 "SWC TG950" Group 950 -
97 "REG801" Group 801 -
98 "REG802" Group 802 -
99 "REG840" Group 840 -
100 "REG841" Group 841 -
101 "REG842" Group 842 -
102 "REG803" Group 803 -
103 "REG810" Group 810 -
104 "REG811" Group 811 -
105 "REG820" Group 820 -
106 "REG821" Group 821 -
107 "REG822" Group 822 -
108 "REG830" Group 830 -
109 "REG850" Group 850 -
110 "REG860" Group 860 -
111 "REG862" Group 862 -
112 "REG870" Group 870 -
113 "REG871" Group 871 -
114 "REG880" Group 880 -
115 "UKW4400" Group 4400 -
116 "UKW4401" Group 4401 -
117 "UKW4402" Group 4402 -
118 "UKW4403" Group 4403 -
119 "BM 23520 UK NW" Group 23520 -
120 "ALLCALL" Group 16777215 -
# Table of group lists.
# 1) Group list number: 1-64
# 2) Name in quotes.
# 3) List of contacts: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Grouplist Name Contacts
1 "Brandmeister" 5,6,19,20,41,42,43,44,45,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,79,80,83,85
2 "DMR MARC" 1,2,3,4,7,10,16,21,25,26,39,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,88
3 "Favourite TGs" 5,6,43,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,83,85,89,87,88
4 "BM NL" 5,6,19,20,31,39,46,47,48,82
I hope that is basically what was in there?
Having had a quick look, I'd say: Yes.
Can't spot anything wrong right now.
appears to show everything correctly now, except for RX groups that are twice and zones that have missing names.
Noticed this when writing back without changing anything:
So qmdr seems to have a wrong limit here. Should I open another issue for that?
(Screenshot from OpenGD77CPS)
This is actually the same issue with the missing names. The memory representation of each zone got bigger to hold up to 80 channels. Hence the name (beginning of every zone) lay within the rest of the last zone. For now, I would implement the 80 Channel zone for OpenGD77 but not yet for the original GD77 firmware, as I do not know whether that is a new feature for a more recent GD77 firmware.
Ok, lets clean up a bit. This issue could be closed now.
If you have time, could you have a look at issue #38. I can't find the limits of the OpenGD77 for contacts etc. I'll need to fix them once for all time.
I've noticed the following when reading a codeplug. I cannot write back what I just read (no changes made).
The limit in the OpenGD77 CPS is 32, by the way.