hmaverickadams / Beginner-Network-Pentesting

Notes for Beginner Network Pentesting Course
5.68k stars 1.6k forks source link does not return any ip. #3

Closed DanielSzenczi closed 4 years ago

DanielSzenczi commented 4 years ago

Can someone explain why i might have problem with the script? It does not return any IP's when i run it. Does it make a difference if my pc is on LAN and the other devices is connected via. Wifi? ipsweep

ghost commented 4 years ago

Rookie opinion: Bash script looks right. In terminal, run

./ ip you're recognising) > iplist.txt

once you've run the sweep script with the ip into a txt file, you'll be able to run the list of ip's that are pinging as good with other linux commands to find out if things like, which port is open if any.

hmaverickadams commented 4 years ago

Script looks okay. Can your machine communicate with that network?

TheLevic commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem with the same script... Did you ever figure it out?

MdBruin commented 4 years ago

seq is an outdated command which is replaced by {value..value}

The old line (line 9): for ip in `seq 1 254` ; do The new command is: for ip in {1..254} ; do

angelscopilo commented 1 year ago


for ip in {1..254} ; do ping -c 1 $1.$ip | grep "64 bytes" | cut -d " " -f 4 | tr -d ":" & done

This is what work for me on Feb 2023

angelscopilo commented 1 year ago

! /bin/bash

if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "Suggest you run Ifconfig to get your network" echo "Dummy you forgot the IP Address!" echo "Syntax: ./" else for ip in {1..254} ; do ping -c 1 $1.$ip | grep "64 bytes" | cut -d " " -f 4 | tr -d ":" & done fi

This is what work for me on feb2023