|Egress|Pre-configured:AKS managed NAT gateway for a scalable outbound connection flows. A NAT gateway per hub? (Sbox, nonprod, prod)|
Prioritisation Matrix
|Value / benefit dimension|Weighting|Score|
|Is this a mandatory or legislative change|Mandatory / Legislative 100, No 0|0|
|Does this fix a security risk|Critical 200, High 75, Medium 20, Low 5, Info 0, none 0|0|
|Vendor support or PlatOps support impact|Vendor 25, PlatOps 10, No 0|0|
|Will the application cease to work without this work|Fully 25, Partially 10, No 0|0|
|When does this need to be delivered by|Immediately 20, Within 2 months 15, within 4 months 10, within 6 months 5, more than 6 months 0|5|
|Are other systems dependent upon this change|Multiple 10, One 5, No 0|0|
|Is this strategic or tactical|Strategic 10, Tactical 0|10|
|Size of change (to be completed by PlatOps team)
(xs = 1 person 1 sprint, s = 1 person 2 sprints or 2 people 1 sprint etc.)|XL (5+S) = 0, Large (4S) 5, Medium (3S) 10, Small (2S) 15, XS (1S) = 20|15|
|What is the priority of this work within your area|High 5, Medium 2, Low 0|2|
|How big are the benefits for this piece of work|High 20, Medium 10, Low 5|10|
|How big are the (Annual) cost savings or avoidance for this piece of work|<=£500k (per annum) 100, <=£250k 75, <=£100k 50, <=£50k 40, 0
(1 squad 1 sprint = 35K)|40|
|User quality of life improvement? (Engineers and/or End Users)|End User & Engineer 15, End User impact 10, Engineers 5, No impact 0|5|
|High Availability Improvement?|High 75, Medium 50, Low 25, None 0|0|
|Path to Live Improvement?|Major 75, Minor 25, None 0|0|
|Green (Eco) Improvement?|Yes 20, No 0|0|
Total: 87
All content in summary, intended outcome and impact on teams will be copied publicly to our Delivery roadmap on GitHub
Intended Outcome
Output of spike documented
Plum/Toffee pipeline runs and builds successful
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA), and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) are enabled on the cluster and tested successfully
Impact on Teams
How will this impact teams, put 'No impact' if none
Additional information
Spike on Sbox
Managed Virtual Network using Azure CNI Overlay powered by Cilium combines the robust control plane of Azure CNI with the data plane of Cilium to provide high-performance networking and security.
Pricing so far is same as our current AKS setup: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/kubernetes-service/#pricing
|Egress|Pre-configured: AKS managed NAT gateway for a scalable outbound connection flows. A NAT gateway per hub? (Sbox, nonprod, prod)|
Prioritisation Matrix
|Value / benefit dimension|Weighting|Score| |Is this a mandatory or legislative change|Mandatory / Legislative 100, No 0|0| |Does this fix a security risk|Critical 200, High 75, Medium 20, Low 5, Info 0, none 0|0| |Vendor support or PlatOps support impact|Vendor 25, PlatOps 10, No 0|0| |Will the application cease to work without this work|Fully 25, Partially 10, No 0|0| |When does this need to be delivered by|Immediately 20, Within 2 months 15, within 4 months 10, within 6 months 5, more than 6 months 0|5| |Are other systems dependent upon this change|Multiple 10, One 5, No 0|0| |Is this strategic or tactical|Strategic 10, Tactical 0|10| |Size of change (to be completed by PlatOps team) (xs = 1 person 1 sprint, s = 1 person 2 sprints or 2 people 1 sprint etc.)|XL (5+S) = 0, Large (4S) 5, Medium (3S) 10, Small (2S) 15, XS (1S) = 20|15| |What is the priority of this work within your area|High 5, Medium 2, Low 0|2| |How big are the benefits for this piece of work|High 20, Medium 10, Low 5|10| |How big are the (Annual) cost savings or avoidance for this piece of work|<=£500k (per annum) 100, <=£250k 75, <=£100k 50, <=£50k 40, 0 (1 squad 1 sprint = 35K)|40| |User quality of life improvement? (Engineers and/or End Users)|End User & Engineer 15, End User impact 10, Engineers 5, No impact 0|5| |High Availability Improvement?|High 75, Medium 50, Low 25, None 0|0| |Path to Live Improvement?|Major 75, Minor 25, None 0|0| |Green (Eco) Improvement?|Yes 20, No 0|0|
Total: 87
All content in summary, intended outcome and impact on teams will be copied publicly to our Delivery roadmap on GitHub
Intended Outcome
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA), and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) are enabled on the cluster and tested successfully
Impact on Teams
How will this impact teams, put 'No impact' if none