hmemcpy / AgentMulder

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Provide some feedback about what's happening #8

Closed ashmind closed 11 years ago

ashmind commented 12 years ago

I am not getting any information on my types (Unity). It is very hard to say what is happening: does Unity support work correctly? Is it just something weird about my solution?

Some kind of log or a list of detected frameworks somewhere would have been very useful.

hmemcpy commented 12 years ago


Sorry about that! Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to test it on a "real" Unity app, because I couldn't really find any... I will add some logging in the next version to see what's going on.

In the mean time, could you paste the piece of code which was supposed to be detected, but wasn't?

ashmind commented 12 years ago

Sorry, I would have done it if I could, but all this code is strictly non-shareable. Most of it is pretty straightforward Unity though.

Nothing at all seems to be detected in whole solution — the plugin is shown in ReSharper, but after that, I have no idea what happens.

hmemcpy commented 12 years ago

Yes, I understand. With Unity this seems to be an issue, as only proprietary projects use it :)

How about this. Suppose your Unity code has a simple:

container.RegisterType<IRepository, UserRepository>()

Go to the UserRepository class. Do you see the little icon? Is the type marked as unused or uninstantiated?

ashmind commented 12 years ago

Yes, that's the problem, even this simple scenario does not work — I think the whole detection is broken somehow. None of the classes in the solution have a special icon or are recognized as instantiated.

Some (most) registrations are literally like container.RegisterType<IXyzProvider, XyzProvider>() (or repository).

hmemcpy commented 12 years ago

Well, this sucks :) I will add some logging, hopefully we'll figure out what's wrong!

Just one more thing, though, could you go to the installation directory (%appdata%\JetBrains\ReSharper\v6.1\vs10.0\Plugins\AgentMulder) and look in the Containers folder? Is AgentMulder.Containers.Unity.dll present?) Just would like to exclude some installer screw-ups...

ashmind commented 12 years ago

Ok, I'll check tomorrow and update with results, but I think I have seen it there.

ashmind commented 12 years ago

I checked and it actually works in a very simple solution in VS2010. However, in my actual large solution in VS2008 (using same Unity version), it does not work.

(It has the Unity file as well, but that I think is now expected given that works in other case).

hmemcpy commented 12 years ago

Ah, well that explains it... I'm sorry, but it doesn't work on VS2008. The reason is actually simple - I don't have VS2008 installed, and the plugin assembles need to be compiled for .NET 3.5 for it to work.

I'll try making a vs2008 compatible version...

hmemcpy commented 12 years ago

Opened issue #9 to add VS2008 support.

hmemcpy commented 11 years ago

Closing this as wontfix. I will not be supporting VS2008, sorry...