hmlendea / gfn-electron

Linux Desktop client for Nvidia's GeForce NOW game streaming service
GNU General Public License v3.0
488 stars 61 forks source link

[improvement] add support for environment variables on top of command line args (flatseal) #218

Open squalou opened 6 months ago

squalou commented 6 months ago


I use the flatpak version of this app, and it's really great.

I also use Flatseal to manage flatpaks, unfortunately it does not allow to set command line args. On the other hand it allows to set env vars. (I would probably open an improvement issue to support that in flatseal :) )

A nice feature would be to read some environment variables to have de same effect as using command line arguments flags, this way it's easier (even for my kid) to launch the app with the correct flags.

Something kike GFN_SPOOF_CHROMEOS, GFN_SPOOF_WINDOWS, GFN_DISABLE_RPC and so on if ever other args exist one day.

thanks for reading and for the job done !