hmorlon / PANDA.jl

Phylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion (in Julia)
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error in save_ClaDS_in_R function #8

Closed singhal closed 3 years ago

singhal commented 3 years ago

Dear ClaDS team:

Thank you for this great software; I am very impressed by how it performs, particularly on large datasets.

I am trying to export my results as an Rdata file using the following

save_ClaDS_in_R(output, "test2.Rdata")

When I do so, I get the following error:

ERROR: LoadError: REvalError: Error in class(tree) = "phylo" : object 'tree' not found

It seems like this might be an issue in L14 in this code? I would try to fix it myself and re-run, but this is my first time using Julia! I would appreciate your thoughts.

thank you! sonal

singhal commented 3 years ago

FYI, I figured out how to edit Julia, and I changed Line 14, and it is now working. Might be worth noting for future releases.

Also, the tutorials are inconsistent in the name they give for this function, FYI. In the tutorial I was using, this function is named export_in_R.

Thanks again! sonal

OdileMaliet commented 3 years ago

Dear singhal, thanks a lot for raising this issue. I corrected line 14 in the code as well as the manual, this now works for the dev version and will be included in the next version of the package.

Best Odile