hmrc / play-frontend-govuk

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Possible Bug with SummaryList when rendering 'None' actions #60

Open SteveSugden opened 4 years ago

SteveSugden commented 4 years ago

We had a SummaryList with two rows. The first with no actions, the second with a change link.

            rows = Seq(
                    key = Key(
                        content = Text(messages("associate.ucr.summary.consignmentReference"))
                    value = Value(
                        content = Text(consignmentRef)
                    actions = None
                    key = Key(
                        content = Text(messages(s"associate.ucr.summary.associate.with.${associateKind.formValue}"))
                    value = Value(
                        content = Text(associateWith)
                    actions = Some(Actions(
                        items = Seq(
                                href = changeUrl,
                                content = HtmlContent(linkContent(messages("site.change")))
            classes = "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9"

This rendered the following html

<dl class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
    <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
      <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
        Consignment reference
      <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">

          <span class="govuk-summary-list__actions"></span>


    <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
      <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
        Associate with MUCR
      <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">

        <dd class="govuk-summary-list__actions">

  <a class="govuk-link" href="/customs-movements/mucr-options"> 
<span aria-hidden="true">
</span><span class="govuk-visually-hidden"> Change MUCR</span> </a>




According to the Axe accessibility tool, (and advice on the #community-frontend channel) the empty for the first row is not a valid child for a

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements

The appears to be generated here as a 'dummy column' -

If the SummaryList component were to render and empty

element instead then I believe this Axe warning would be solved.

matthewmascord commented 4 years ago

This is an issue with govuk-frontend: