hms-dbmi / scde

R package for analyzing single-cell RNA-seq data
172 stars 66 forks source link bug if clpca is NULL #1

Closed JEFworks closed 9 years ago

JEFworks commented 9 years ago


if (!is.null(clpca)) {
    set.env <- list2env(c(as.list(env), clpca$clusters))  
sa <- ViewPagodaApp$new(fres, df, gene.df, varinfo$mat, varinfo$matw,  set.env, name = title, trim = 0, batch = varinfo$batch) 

Note that if clpca=NULL (which it is by default), then there is no set.env object and the following error will be produced Error in .Object$initialize(...) : object 'set.env' not found

Will need to add else statement to make set.env = env