hms-dbmi / scde

R package for analyzing single-cell RNA-seq data
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Error with LogLik() function #41

Closed swapnachak closed 7 years ago

swapnachak commented 7 years ago


I am getting the following error when I run this command even with the data specified in the tutorial. <- scde.error.models(counts = chk, groups = sg, n.cores = 1, threshold.segmentation = TRUE, save.crossfit.plots = FALSE, save.model.plots = FALSE, verbose = 1)

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : trying to get slot "logLik" from an object of a basic class ("function") with no slots

Any pointers to resolve it would be grately appreciated. I am currently using R version 3.3.1.

Thank you. Swapna

swapnachak commented 7 years ago

Already solved .. in..!searchin/singlecellstats/loglik/singlecellstats/rbFUTOQ9wu4/CY9ulhCTAAAJ