Open Frequence-xx opened 8 years ago
Hi @Frequence-xx
Do you still having problems with authentication?
Hi Victor,
Yes I'm still having problems with authentication. Do you know what might be the cause?
I have to do some testing and replicate the issue so I can have some ideas and fixes.
I hope I can give you an answer soon.
Thank you for your feedback.
thanks Victor. I must say I'm using sonarqube 5.6 might that be the problem?
And yes, I will be releasing new versions. Currently I am making changes to the plugin for working with SonarQube 6.0
I'm making some test with 5.6 and all works ok. In the screentshot I see that the server url contains your user. (edgar@). Could you try removing it?
When I remove the edgar@, it won't prompt me to sign in to the account. We have a sonar server installed in an external server, with different users and roles. I'm just a general user. Do I need to ask the admin to change some settings?
Currently, the authentication dialog is opened when SonarQube Server sends an error to indicate that authentication is needed. Only in this case Radar ask for credentials.
To force authentication in the Sonarqube Server.
Settings> Security > Force user authentication: True
When trying to get issues from server, I try to authenticate with my username and password, but somehow the credentials get rejected. When I log into sonarqube with the same username and password I can get in. I must say I'm using sonarqube 5.6 might that be the problem?
One other question: Will there be any new releases for the radar-plugin?