hmxmilohax / rock-band-3-deluxe

QoL enhancements and additions to Rock Band 3
177 stars 64 forks source link

BNS 150% clarification for those who have a masters degree in complaining #721

Open lunalawl opened 3 weeks ago

DarkRTA commented 3 weeks ago

we have labels for a reason, luna

lunalawl commented 3 weeks ago

we have labels for a reason, luna

your mom

rjkiv commented 3 weeks ago

we have labels for a reason, luna

your mom

dot com

DarkRTA commented 3 weeks ago

we have labels for a reason, luna

your mom

dot com

forward slash go fuck yourself

jnackmclain commented 3 weeks ago

we have labels for a reason, luna

your mom

Brb adding "your mom" as a "to-do"