hmxmilohax / rock-band-3-deluxe

QoL enhancements and additions to Rock Band 3
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add ruggy's c3 patch and change rb3 era albums #748

Closed exoticri closed 1 week ago

exoticri commented 1 week ago

HUGE shoutout to ruggy for his hard work for patching custom songs, literal goat for spending so much time in getting a bunch of songs done

r0bd0g commented 1 week ago

"complicated" is rb4 dlc, I assume having "Complicated" also is probably not gonna work out well.

r0bd0g commented 1 week ago

Same with "whatthehell" and "WhattheHell". You might want to check on some of the other more basic sounding names to make sure none of them are already in use.

r0bd0g commented 1 week ago

I kind of think we should stay away from pure customs and just, idk let the people custom. The overlaps between complicated and whatthehell, I worry they could cause some weird issues, but at the least to stay say I'd stay away from using conflicting metadata between the customs and rb4torb2. (complicated on rb4torb2 uses rating 2 instead of rating 1. They haven't converted whatthehell yet, so you don't know for sure what metadata they will choose, though there's a pretty good chance this has guessed correctly.)

r0bd0g commented 1 week ago

Actually thinking about it some more there's some pretty obvious potential issues in the future by using the same shortname twice like this. Imagine somebody upgrades one of the rb4 charts, that chart will apply to the custom. That'll happen anyway but that's on the custom for using such a common shortname.