hmz-15 / Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction

Reconstructing Interactive 3D Scenes for Simulating Robot Autonomy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ERROR: Service [/gsm_node/generate_mesh/] is not available. #3

Closed DoctorXK closed 2 years ago

DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Hi dear author,

I finally build panoptic_mapping_pipeline successfully, but when I execute Step 4 rosservice call /gsm_node/generate_mesh in Robust Panoptic Mapping I will encounter:

ERROR: Service [/gsm_node/generate_mesh/] is not available.

I cannot find generate_mesh in my running environment and so as rosservice call /gsm_node/extract_instances.

When I reviewed the compilation process I found there was warning message when compiling gsm_node even though it didn't throw compilation ERROR.

Warnings << gsm_node:cmake /opt/ros/melodic/log/gsm_node/build.cmake.000.log 
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/melodic/devel/share/pcl catkin/cmake/pcl-extras.cmake:14 (find package): 
  By not providing "FindovTk.cmake" in cMAkE MODuLE PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package confiquration file provided by"QVTK"but CMake did not find one.
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "QVTK" with any of
the following names: 
  Add the installation prefix of "OVTK" to CMAKE PREFIX_PATH or set
  "OVTK DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.If"OVTK 
  provides a separate development package or sokbe sure it has been 
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/melodic/devel/share/catkin_simple/cmake/catkin_simple-extras.cmake:38 (find_package) 
  CMakeLists.txt:12(catkin simple)

cd /opt/ros/melodic/build/gsm_node; catkin build --det-env gsm_node catkin env -si /usr/bin/cmake /opt/ros/melodic/src/Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/mappina/voxblox-plusplus/global_segment_map_node --no-warn-unused-cli -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/opt/ros/melodic/devel -DCMAKE INSTALL PREFIX=/opt/ros/melodic/install -OCMAKE_CX X_STANDARD=14 -DCMAKE_BUILDTYPE=Release; cd -

Have you ever encounter this situation? Looking forward to your reply. : )

hmz-15 commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I think executing "source devel/setup.bash" in the terminal you want to call the services will solve the issue.

DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply : ) . Unfortunately it cannot work : ( . Actually there is no generate_mesh or extract_instances under the /gsm_node directory, and I cannot find them in my running environment using command find / -name generate_mesh. I guess the package gsm_node doesn't compile as espected even though it doesn't throw compilation ERROR. But I don't know how to check and fix it : ( .

hmz-15 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for my later reply. generate_mesh and extract_instances are in fact two ros services implemented in global_segment_map_node/src/controller.cpp. You can explicitly compile gsm_node by:

catkin build gsm_node

You can check whether the service is available by:

rosservice list
DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Sorry for my later reply. I tried, but it seems not work. I cannot find generate_mesh and extract_instances under rosservice list after

catkin build gsm_node

1653213008(1) You can see there is some packages skipped or ignored.

After execute Step 4 you can see Service [/gsm_node/generate_mesh] is not available. 1653213264

Another thing that hit me is when executing

roslaunch panoptic_mapping_pipeline scenenn_pano_mapping.launch sequence:=sceneNN_test

I can see some ERROR message about gms_node: 1653213824(1)

DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Another new ERROR occur!!! Lets forget about the previous discussion. :)

I try to install the running environment in a new machine with Ubuntu 20.04 and compile successfully. When I launch the ros nodes as Step2 in Robust Panoptic Mapping, the system prompts that the [gsm_node-4] process has died. 1653319969(1) But luckily it seems that the panoptic mapping is still running. image When the mapping process ends, I call the two ros services to save results. But throw an ERROR 1653320239(1) Is there any settings with respect to the cause of ERROR?

TooSchoolForCool commented 2 years ago

The gsm_node crashed and did not work as expected.

As you can properly build (compile) the whole program without error message prompted, this must be a runtime error.

I would suggest using gdb to debug this kind of error.

Here is some of my conjecture:

DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your suggestions!!! :)

There is another thing I want to confirm with you, because I am afraid of missing potentially important information. I notice that when the compilation complete the system will prompt that Ignored: 6 packages were skipped or are skiplisted. image

Do you think these packages ignoring will have a big impact with gsm_node?

DoctorXK commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I have found out the reason why the gsm_node crashed. It was because I ran the panoptic mapping through MobaXterm and the visualization didn't work successfully through MobaXterm, which then caused the crash of gsm_node. As long as I run in local terminal and visualize in local screen, the gsm_node works normally. :)

Thanks for you help again~