A feature request to support publishing Solis inverter metrics to MQTT brokers for RTL87XX boards.
I have Solis S3 WiFi stick with the newer emw3080 pcb and compiling the MQTT client in ESPHome fails:
% esphome compile solis-esphome-emw3080.yaml
INFO ESPHome 2024.6.6
INFO Reading configuration solis-esphome-emw3080.yaml...
Failed config
mqtt: [source solis-esphome-emw3080.yaml:164]
This feature is only available on ['esp32', 'esp8266', 'bk72xx'].
port: 8883
A feature request to support publishing Solis inverter metrics to MQTT brokers for RTL87XX boards.
I have Solis S3 WiFi stick with the newer emw3080 pcb and compiling the MQTT client in ESPHome fails: