hnanhtuan / selectiveConvFeature

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We need some files or data for this code #1

Open largerC opened 6 years ago

largerC commented 6 years ago

Excause me , I couldn't find the way just like data/workdir/paris6k_31_1024_param_20_32_temb_max.mat for the param_file in the main.m . Could please give me some flies or data about this ?

hnanhtuan commented 6 years ago

Hi, That is the mat file stored learned parameters. You need to learn parameters first. The param_file is stored in line 77.

largerC commented 6 years ago

出错 main (line 36) param.Ud = param.U(:,1:param.d);

Sorry, Sir, I don't known how to add the data to the learning parameters, just like error above. Could you please give me some advice?Sorry, I'm a MATLAB beginner and may not know some details.

hnanhtuan commented 6 years ago

Please go to opt.m file to modify the parameters.