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Complete the artistic style transfer article #36

Closed hnarayanan closed 5 months ago

hnarayanan commented 7 years ago

The following is a TODO list for the Convolutional neural networks for artistic style transfer article.

So what is Prisma and how might it work?

Convolutional Neural Networks from the ground up

The image classification problem

It is my hope that by starting our journey at a fairly basic place and gradually stepping up in complexity as we go along, that you get to learn something interesting no matter what your level of expertise.

Convolutional Neural Networks from the ground up

This section offers a brief summary of parts of the Stanford course Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (CS231n) that are relevant to our style transfer problem. If you’re even vaguely interested in what you’re reading here, you should go take this course. It is outstanding.

Our first learning image classifier

A linear score function

Softmax activation and cross entropy loss

An iterative optimisation process

(Subsection conclusion, not explicitly labelled as such)

Moving to neural networks

Making the score function nonlinear

Layer-wise organisation into a network

Some technicalities

(Subsection conclusion, not explicitly labelled as such)

And finally, convolutional neural networks

Architecture of CNNs in general

Convolutional (Conv) layer
Pooling (Pool) layer

A powerful CNN-based image classifier

Returning to the style transfer problem

A neural algorithm of artistic style

Some technicalities

Concrete implementation of the artistic style transfer algorithm

Load and preprocess the content and style images

Reuse a model pre-trained for image classification to define loss functions

The content loss
The style loss
The total variation loss

Define needed gradients and solve the optimisation problem



hnarayanan commented 7 years ago