hnarayanan / shpotify

A command-line interface to Spotify.
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${HOME}/.shpotify.cfg no diea what to do #125

Closed fredyonge closed 4 years ago

fredyonge commented 4 years ago

Sorry this is not an issue, but I dont know what to do at the step : ${HOME}/.shpotify.cfg

Do I go into the terminal, if so, I went into my home directory but couldn't use the that. Could you help me?

dmofot commented 4 years ago

${HOME}/.shpotify.cfg will be created for you if you don't already have one. In your terminal, if you simply run spotify, it will print out the tools current usage and setup. You'll see a section at the bottom called Connecting to Spotify's API:. Simply follow the directions (copied below) to grab a CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from Spotify. Once you have those values, edit your ${HOME}/.shpotify.cfg to include your new/updated values. How you edit the file is up to you (nano, vim, VSCode, etc.), but if you need a GUI, something like $ open ~/.shpotify.cfg -a textedit should open the file for editing.

This command line application needs to connect to Spotify's API in order to find music by name. It is very likely you want this feature!

To get this to work, you need to sign up (or in) and create an 'Application' at:!/applications/create

Once you've created an application, find the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' values, and enter them into your shpotify config file at '${HOME}/.shpotify.cfg'

Be sure to quote your values and don't add any extra spaces! When done, it should look like this (but with your own values): CLIENT_ID="abc01de2fghijk345lmnop" CLIENT_SECRET="qr6stu789vwxyz"

dmofot commented 4 years ago

Going to close this issue. Feel free to respond if you haven't gotten setup sorted.