hneemann / Digital

A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SystemVerilog #1133

Open j054n opened 1 year ago

j054n commented 1 year ago

Is SystemVerilog support planned in Digital? Thanks

hneemann commented 1 year ago

Isn't SystemVerilog an extension of Verilog?

j054n commented 1 year ago

Originally intended as an extension of Verilog, but more like a superset of Verilog. The main objective is to integrate modules written in Verilog/SV into the Digital tool with full compatibility with respect to datatypes and parameters in module interface according to the updated syntax of the language. For simulation purposes I understand that it depends on the external tool configured (Icarus Verilog).

ThanasisVlioras commented 11 months ago

I find Icarus Verilog is not really good at understanding SystemVerilog. A workaround I found is to use a tool called sv2v. It converts SystemVerilog files to plain Verilog. Try it ! Github Link

j054n commented 11 months ago

I have tested the tool sv2v you suggest, it works fine, but it doesn't solve the problem I have with Verilog or SystemVerilog. On one hand the understanding/parsing of Verilog/SV versions with Icarus Verilog can be chosen with -g modifiers:

Usage: iverilog [-EiRSuvV] [-B base] [-c cmdfile|-f cmdfile]
                [-g1995|-g2001|-g2005|-g2005-sv|-g2009|-g2012] [-g<feature>]
                [-D macro[=defn]] [-I includedir] [-L moduledir]
                [-M [mode=]depfile] [-m module]
                [-N file] [-o filename] [-p flag=value]
                [-s topmodule] [-t target] [-T min|typ|max]
                [-W class] [-y dir] [-Y suf] [-l file] source_file(s)

Moreover, the problem in Digital tool come from parsing the module interface with parameter keyword in Verilog/SV, by example:

module counter (
    parameter N = 8;
    input wire clk;
    input wire reset;
    output reg [N - 1:0] q;
    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
        if (reset)
            q <= 0;
            q <= q + 1;

and specifically in SV keywords like logic, by example:

module counter #(parameter N = 8)
                (input  logic clk,
                 input  logic reset,
                 output logic [N-1:0] q);

  always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
    if (reset) q <= 0;
    else       q <= q + 1;

I suggest like possible enhancement of Digital tool a parsing of these keyword. Thanks in advance