Open lynchaj opened 1 year ago
It is not clear which line is causing Quartus to choke on the VHDL example so I am reposting the whole VDHL code with the offending line highlighted in bold (222). It doesn't help a lot but does give an idea where to find the issue in the original Slick-DMA.VHDL code
Thanks, Andrew Lynch
-- generated by Digital. Don't modify this file! -- Any changes will be lost if this file is regenerated.
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- 8-bit identity comparator entity n74688 is port ( P_0: in std_logic; Q_0: in std_logic; P_1: in std_logic; Q_1: in std_logic; P_2: in std_logic; Q_2: in std_logic; P_3: in std_logic; Q_3: in std_logic; P_4: in std_logic; Q_4: in std_logic; P_5: in std_logic; Q_5: in std_logic; P_6: in std_logic; Q_6: in std_logic; P_7: in std_logic; Q_7: in std_logic; notOE: in std_logic; VCC: in std_logic; GND: in std_logic; notEQ: out std_logic); end n74688;
architecture Behavioral of n74688 is begin notEQ <= NOT (NOT notOE AND NOT ((P_0 XOR Q_0) OR (P_1 XOR Q_1) OR (P_2 XOR Q_2)) AND NOT ((P_3 XOR Q_3) OR (P_4 XOR Q_4) OR (P_5 XOR Q_5)) AND NOT ((P_6 XOR Q_6) OR (P_7 XOR Q_7))); end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity DEMUX_GATE_2 is generic ( Default : integer ); port ( out_0: out std_logic; out_1: out std_logic; out_2: out std_logic; out_3: out std_logic; sel: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); p_in: in std_logic ); end DEMUX_GATE_2;
architecture Behavioral of DEMUX_GATE_2 is begin out_0 <= p_in when sel = "00" else std_logic(to_unsigned(Default, 1)(0)); out_1 <= p_in when sel = "01" else std_logic(to_unsigned(Default, 1)(0)); out_2 <= p_in when sel = "10" else std_logic(to_unsigned(Default, 1)(0)); out_3 <= p_in when sel = "11" else std_logic(to_unsigned(Default, 1)(0)); end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- dual 2-line to 4-line decoder/demultiplexer entity n74139 is port ( n1A: in std_logic; n1B: in std_logic; not1G: in std_logic; n2A: in std_logic; n2B: in std_logic; not2G: in std_logic; VCC: in std_logic; GND: in std_logic; not1Y0: out std_logic; not1Y1: out std_logic; not1Y2: out std_logic; not1Y3: out std_logic; not2Y0: out std_logic; not2Y1: out std_logic; not2Y2: out std_logic; not2Y3: out std_logic); end n74139;
architecture Behavioral of n74139 is signal s0: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal s1: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin s0(0) <= n1A; s0(1) <= n1B; s1(0) <= n2A; s1(1) <= n2B; gate0: entity work.DEMUX_GATE_2 generic map ( Default => 1) port map ( sel => s0, p_in => not1G, out_0 => not1Y0, out_1 => not1Y1, out_2 => not1Y2, out_3 => not1Y3); gate1: entity work.DEMUX_GATE_2 generic map ( Default => 1) port map ( sel => s1, p_in => not2G, out_0 => not2Y0, out_1 => not2Y1, out_2 => not2Y2, out_3 => not2Y3); end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity MUX_GATE_BUS_1 is generic ( Bits : integer ); port ( p_out: out std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0); sel: in std_logic;
in_0: in std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0);
in_1: in std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0) );
architecture Behavioral of MUX_GATE_BUS_1 is begin with sel select p_out <= in_0 when '0', in_1 when '1', (others => '0') when others; end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- quad 2-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers entity n74157 is port ( S: in std_logic; -- select A1: in std_logic; A2: in std_logic; A3: in std_logic; A4: in std_logic; B1: in std_logic; B2: in std_logic; B3: in std_logic; B4: in std_logic; G: in std_logic; -- strobe VCC: in std_logic; GND: in std_logic; Y1: out std_logic; Y2: out std_logic; Y3: out std_logic; Y4: out std_logic); end n74157;
architecture Behavioral of n74157 is signal s0: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s3: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin s1(0) <= B1; s1(1) <= B2; s1(2) <= B3; s1(3) <= B4; s0(0) <= A1; s0(1) <= A2; s0(2) <= A3; s0(3) <= A4; gate0: entity work.MUX_GATE_BUS_1 generic map ( Bits => 4) port map ( sel => S, in_0 => s0, in_1 => s1, p_out => s2); gate1: entity work.MUX_GATE_BUS_1 generic map ( Bits => 4) port map ( sel => G, in_0 => s2, in_1 => "0000", p_out => s3); Y1 <= s3(0); Y2 <= s3(1); Y3 <= s3(2); Y4 <= s3(3); end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity DIG_D_FF_AS_BUS is generic ( Bits: integer ); port ( Q: out std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0); notQ: out std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0); Set: in std_logic; D: in std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0); C: in std_logic; Clr: in std_logic ); end DIG_D_FF_AS_BUS;
architecture Behavioral of DIG_D_FF_AS_BUS is signal state : std_logic_vector ((Bits-1) downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin process (Set, Clr, C) begin if (Set='1') then state <= NOT((others => '0')); elsif (Clr='1') then state <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(C) then state <= D; end if; end process;
Q <= state;
notQ <= NOT( state );
end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- quad D-flip-flop entity n74175 is port ( CLK: in std_logic; notCL: in std_logic; D1: in std_logic; D2: in std_logic; D3: in std_logic; D4: in std_logic; VCC: in std_logic; GND: in std_logic; Q1: out std_logic; Q2: out std_logic; Q3: out std_logic; Q4: out std_logic; notQ1: out std_logic; notQ2: out std_logic; notQ3: out std_logic; notQ4: out std_logic); end n74175;
architecture Behavioral of n74175 is signal s0: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s1: std_logic; signal s2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s3: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin s1 <= NOT notCL; s0(0) <= D1; s0(1) <= D2; s0(2) <= D3; s0(3) <= D4; gate0: entity work.DIG_D_FF_AS_BUS generic map ( Bits => 4) port map ( Set => '0', D => s0, C => CLK, Clr => s1, Q => s2, notQ => s3); Q1 <= s2(0); Q2 <= s2(1); Q3 <= s2(2); Q4 <= s2(3); notQ1 <= s3(0); notQ2 <= s3(1); notQ3 <= s3(2); notQ4 <= s3(3); end Behavioral;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity main is port ( CPUxA0: in std_logic; CPUxA1: in std_logic; notCPUxWAIT: in std_logic; notBUSRQ: in std_logic; notCPUxBUSACK: in std_logic; notDMAxINTxPULSE1: in std_logic; notDMAxINTxPULSE2: in std_logic; CPUxA3: in std_logic; notDREQ0: in std_logic; notDREQ1: in std_logic; notCPUxWR: in std_logic; notCPUxRESET: in std_logic; notDMAxBAO2: in std_logic; CPU_D0: in std_logic; CPU_D1: in std_logic; CPU_D2: in std_logic; CPU_D3: in std_logic; notCPUxIORQ: in std_logic; notCPUxM1: in std_logic; CPUxA2: in std_logic; Q2: in std_logic; Q3: in std_logic; CPUxA4: in std_logic; CPUxA5: in std_logic; CPUxA6: in std_logic; CPUxA7: in std_logic; Q4: in std_logic; Q5: in std_logic; Q6: in std_logic; Q7: in std_logic; R4: in std_logic; R5: in std_logic; R6: in std_logic; R7: in std_logic; notFPxLATCH: out std_logic; notDMAxCS1: out std_logic; notDMAxCS2: out std_logic; notBUSxEN: out std_logic; DATAxXFER: out std_logic; IOxSEL: out std_logic; notCSxMAP: out std_logic; notCSxUART: out std_logic; DMAxRDY1: out std_logic; DMAxRDY2: out std_logic; notDMAxRESET1: out std_logic; notDMAxRESET2: out std_logic; BUSACK: out std_logic); end main;
architecture Behavioral of main is signal s0: std_logic; signal s1: std_logic; signal s2: std_logic; signal s3: std_logic; signal s4: std_logic; signal s5: std_logic; signal s6: std_logic; signal notDMAxCS1_temp: std_logic; signal notDMAxCS2_temp: std_logic; signal s7: std_logic; signal s8: std_logic; signal s9: std_logic; signal s10: std_logic; signal s11: std_logic; signal s12: std_logic; begin DATAxXFER <= ((notCPUxBUSACK OR notBUSRQ) OR (notDMAxINTxPULSE1 AND notDMAxINTxPULSE2)); s6 <= NOT notCPUxBUSACK; BUSACK <= NOT notDMAxBAO2; gate0: entity work.n74688 port map ( P_0 => notCPUxM1, Q_0 => '1', P_1 => '1', Q_1 => '1', P_2 => CPUxA2, Q_2 => Q2, P_3 => CPUxA3, Q_3 => Q3, P_4 => CPUxA4, Q_4 => Q4, P_5 => CPUxA5, Q_5 => Q5, P_6 => CPUxA6, Q_6 => Q6, P_7 => CPUxA7, Q_7 => Q7, notOE => notCPUxIORQ, VCC => '1', GND => '0', notEQ => s4); gate1: entity work.n74688 port map ( P_0 => notCPUxM1, Q_0 => '1', P_1 => '1', Q_1 => '1', P_2 => '1', Q_2 => '1', P_3 => '1', Q_3 => '1', P_4 => CPUxA4, Q_4 => R4, P_5 => CPUxA5, Q_5 => R5, P_6 => CPUxA6, Q_6 => R6, P_7 => CPUxA7, Q_7 => R7, notOE => notCPUxIORQ, VCC => '1', GND => '0', notEQ => s7); gate2: entity work.n74139 port map ( n1A => '1', n1B => '1', not1G => '1', n2A => CPUxA0, n2B => CPUxA1, not2G => s4, VCC => '1', GND => '0', not2Y0 => s0, not2Y1 => s1, not2Y2 => notFPxLATCH, not2Y3 => s5); IOxSEL <= NOT (s4 AND s7); notCSxMAP <= (s7 OR CPUxA3); notCSxUART <= (s7 OR NOT CPUxA3); gate3: entity work.n74157 port map ( S => notBUSRQ, A1 => notCPUxWAIT, A2 => notCPUxWAIT, A3 => '0', A4 => '0', B1 => s0, B2 => s1, B3 => '0', B4 => '0', G => '0', VCC => '1', GND => '0', Y1 => s2, Y2 => s3); s10 <= (notCPUxWR OR s5); notDMAxCS1_temp <= (s6 OR s2); notDMAxCS2_temp <= (s6 OR s3); gate4: entity work.n74175 port map ( CLK => s10, notCL => notCPUxRESET, D1 => CPU_D0, D2 => CPU_D1, D3 => CPU_D2, D4 => CPU_D3, VCC => '1', GND => '0', Q1 => s8, Q2 => s9, notQ3 => s11, notQ4 => s12); notBUSxEN <= NOT (notCPUxBUSACK AND (notDMAxCS1_temp AND notDMAxCS2_temp)); DMAxRDY1 <= (NOT notDREQ0 OR s8); DMAxRDY2 <= (NOT notDREQ1 OR s9); notDMAxRESET1 <= (s11 AND notCPUxRESET); notDMAxRESET2 <= (notCPUxRESET AND s12); notDMAxCS1 <= notDMAxCS1_temp; notDMAxCS2 <= notDMAxCS2_temp; end Behavioral;
Hi I've been experimenting some more with Digital exports to Quartus for compilation/synthesis into a CPLD. This time I am exporting my design to VHDL and importing into Quartus. My project has two MAX7128S-10 CPLDs; the one for CPU glue logic and another for DMA glue logic. The CPU glue logic CPLD seems to import and compile/synthesize fine using VHDL. However, when I try the same with the DMA glue logic VHDL I get an error message in Quartus. Maybe this is a Quartus problem not Digital but I thought I'd bring it to your attention regardless in case there is something that can be done about it in Digital.
The module in VHDL code is this one (line 222):
Here are the specific error messages. Relates to "others" in line 222:
I hope this helps, Thanks, Andrew Lynch