hneemann / Digital

A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Digital Boots to a Blank Screen - Exception Error #1265

Closed masroof-maindak closed 2 months ago

masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago

Been using Digital for a couple of days on my computer and it's worked like a charm. Just tried to set it up on my laptop but no matter what I do, it refuses to show anything except a blank screen.

I tried opening an existing .dig file, and I know it's opened because right-clicking at places shows attributes.

I think this might be a HiDpi issue because every other factor is constant between my Macbook and my computer. Arch Linux, Java via the jre-openjdk package, and I ran the script. Running or manually starting the .jar shows no error files either.

image 2024-02-18_15:19:59 2024-02-18_15:20:07 2024-02-18_15:20:14 2024-02-18_15:20:47

The following log was generated too: Digital_2024-02-18_15-05-19.log

hneemann commented 4 months ago

The error can only occur if [Q], [CTRL+Q], [+] or [-] is pressed without the mouse pointer being in the window beforehand. Does that make sense to you?

hneemann commented 4 months ago

Please try the latest pre release v0.30-32-g468972d

masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago

Please try the latest pre release v0.30-32-g468972d

No luck whatsoever. Same blank screen. No log file.

hneemann commented 4 months ago

if you run Digital from the console, is there still no output on the console?

masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago

if you run Digital from the console, is there still no output on the console?

None at all.

For all intents and purposes, Digital itself DOES think it's running without a hitch. It's also automatically opening my .dig file since right clicking manages to show me the attributes window of a couple components every now and then.

2024-02-19_11:54:45 2024-02-19_11:54:52

hneemann commented 4 months ago

Could you please try to start Digital from the console, opening a file like:

java -jar Digital.jar myFile.dig
masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago


Still the same.

I should mention. Digital USED to run just fine. I uninstalled it to work on an assignment on my computer, then reinstalled to wrap it up on my laptop. After the reinstall is when it just refused to work. All other variables have been kept constant to the best of my knowledge.

hneemann commented 4 months ago

To be honest, I have no idea what is happening. But I don't think it has anything to do with the code of the simulator. I suspect it is some problem in the JVM or the OS.

masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago

To be honest, I have no idea what is happening. But I don't think it has anything to do with the code of the simulator. I suspect it is some problem in the JVM or the OS.

That would be my first point of contention too but the problem is that they are the exact same between both my systems as well. Arch Linux + jre-openjdk package from the official repos.

Oh well, thank you anyway, feel free to close this issue.

hneemann commented 4 months ago

You could start Digital with logging in debug mode: But I don't expect to see any helpful information. But you could at least try:

java -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug -jar Digital.jar myFile.dig
masroof-maindak commented 4 months ago

[main] DEBUG - v0.30-32-g468972d [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - found 129 files in /home/maindak/Documents/Programs/Digital/lib [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - create with given file /home/maindak/Downloads/multiplier.dig [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - added library listener CircuitComponent, listeners: 1 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - added library listener InsertHistory, listeners: 2 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - added library listener LibrarySelector, listeners: 3 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - loadFile: /home/maindak/Downloads/multiplier.dig [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - set library root: /home/maindak/Downloads/multiplier.dig [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - rescan folder [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - found 1 files in /home/maindak/Downloads [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - load /home/maindak/Downloads/multiplier.dig [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG - load stream

Yeah, nothing of significant use I feel.

hneemann commented 4 months ago

You are right: the simulator runs perfectly. For some weird reason, the screen output does not reach the screen.

masroof-maindak commented 3 months ago

@hneemann I figured it out. Pretty sure this impacts about 0.01% of the Digital user-base but the culprit was the window manager of choice. I don't understand HOW the x-server could possibly impact a Java application's running but I've also learnt over the years to not question the xserver.

The problem child in this case is BSPWM, as Digital seems to be working just fine under i3.