Payment Functionality Implementation using Paystack
Implement payment functionality using Paystack to allow both individual users and organizations to make payments through our platform. This feature will handle the entire payment process, including initiating and processing payments.
Acceptance Criteria
The API should be accessible at POST /api/v1/payments/paystack/initiate.
The endpoint is accessible only to authenticated users.
Only users with appropriate permissions can initiate payments.
Sanitize and validate all input data to prevent injection attacks.
Data is transmitted over HTTPS, and sensitive information is handled securely.
Write unit and integration tests for the payments logic.
Provide clear and comprehensive documentation for the endpoint, including request and response formats, error codes, and usage examples.
Example: If user_id is invalid or missing, return a 400 status code with an error message.
"status": 400,
"message": "Validation error: user_id must be provided"
Authentication and Authorization
Verify that the user is authenticated before allowing access to the endpoint.
Example: Use middleware to check for a valid authentication token.
Ensure that only authorized users can make payments.
Example: Check user roles or permissions to confirm authorization.
Error Handling
Error Responses
Define error responses for common failure scenarios.
Example: If Stripe credentials are invalid, return a 500 status code with an error message.
"status": 500,
"message": "Payment Initialization Failed: Failed to initialize payment with Stripe: Invalid API key"
API Documentation
Ensure that API documentation is updated to include details about the new endpoint, request/response formats, error handling, and authentication requirements.
Testing Requirements
Unit Tests
Write unit tests to validate input data and payment logic.
Integration Tests
Ensure that end-to-end functionality is tested with integration tests.
Payment Functionality Implementation using Paystack
Implement payment functionality using Paystack to allow both individual users and organizations to make payments through our platform. This feature will handle the entire payment process, including initiating and processing payments.
Acceptance Criteria
POST /api/v1/payments/paystack/initiate
.Request Examples
[PROTECTED]Request Body:
Response Examples
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Failure Responses
Validation Error
Authentication Error
Authorization Error
Server Error
Data Validation
Input Validation
is invalid or missing, return a 400 status code with an error message.Authentication and Authorization
Error Handling
Error Responses
API Documentation
Testing Requirements
Unit Tests
Integration Tests