Given a valid login, when the user successfully logs in, then the system should generate and return both an access token and a refresh token.
The refresh token should have a longer expiry time compared to the access token (e.g., 7 days or more).
Storing Refresh Tokens
Given a successful login, when the system generates a refresh token, then the token should be stored securely (e.g., in a database with the user record).
Using Refresh Tokens
Given an expired access token and a valid refresh token, when the user requests a new access token, then the system should verify the refresh token and issue a new access token.
Revoking Refresh Tokens
Given a user logout request, when the user logs out, then the system should invalidate the refresh token to prevent its future use.
Refresh Token Endpoint
Token Refresh Endpoint
The system should provide an endpoint to request a new access token using a valid refresh token.
Validation of Refresh Token
Given a request with an invalid refresh token, when the user tries to get a new access token, then the system should return a 401 Unauthorized status.
Given a request with an expired refresh token, when the user tries to get a new access token, then the system should return a 401 Unauthorized status.
Security Measures
Token Rotation
Given a request for a new access token using a valid refresh token, when the system issues a new access token, then it should also issue a new refresh token and invalidate the old one.
Single-Use Refresh Tokens
Each refresh token should be designed to be single-use, meaning it becomes invalid after being used to obtain a new access token.
Refresh Token Expiry
The refresh token should have an expiry time, and upon expiry, the user must re-authenticate (login) to get a new refresh token.
Error Handling for Refresh Tokens
Invalid or Expired Refresh Tokens
Given a request with an invalid or expired refresh token, when the user tries to refresh the access token, then the system should return a 401 Unauthorized status with an appropriate error message.
Documentation for Refresh Tokens
API Documentation
The system should have documentation (e.g., Swagger) detailing the refresh token endpoint, request formats, and responses.
The system should have documentation for logout endpoint
Unit Tests
The system should have unit tests covering refresh token logic
The system should have unit tests covering logout logic
Acceptance Criteria [WIP]
Refresh Token
Refresh Token Endpoint
Security Measures
Error Handling for Refresh Tokens
Documentation for Refresh Tokens