Implement a backend endpoint that allows users to initiate a password reset process by providing their registered email. The endpoint should generate a secure token and send it to the user's email for further verification.
Acceptance Criteria
Develop an endpoint that accepts the user’s email and initiates the forgot password process.
Generate a secure token linked to the user’s account.
Send the token to the user’s registered email address.
Ensure that the endpoint handles errors such as non-existent email addresses and rate limits on requests.
To enable users who have forgotten their passwords to initiate a secure reset process.
Implement secure token generation and email sending logic.
Include proper error handling for various failure scenarios.
Ensure the endpoint is tested for security and functionality.
Expected Outcome
Users can securely initiate the password reset process by receiving a token via email.
Implement a backend endpoint that allows users to initiate a password reset process by providing their registered email. The endpoint should generate a secure token and send it to the user's email for further verification.
Acceptance Criteria
To enable users who have forgotten their passwords to initiate a secure reset process.
Expected Outcome
Users can securely initiate the password reset process by receiving a token via email.