The social media icons on the "Contact Us" page are currently static images and do not direct users to the appropriate social media platforms. These icons should be made clickable and should link to the respective social media pages.
Expected Outcomes:
Clickable Icons: The social media icons should be interactive and clickable.
Redirection: Clicking on a social media icon should redirect users to the corresponding social media platform.
Consistent User Experience: The icons should be responsive and retain their functionality across all browsers and devices.
Acceptance Criteria:
Convert the static social media icons into clickable elements.
Link each icon to the appropriate social media platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
Ensure that the icons are responsive and clickable across different browsers and devices.
Test the redirection to confirm that users are taken to the correct social media page.
The social media icons on the "Contact Us" page are currently static images and do not direct users to the appropriate social media platforms. These icons should be made clickable and should link to the respective social media pages.
Expected Outcomes:
Acceptance Criteria:
link; video;