Develop and fix endpoints for handling activity logs. This includes creating new activity logs, retrieving all activity logs, and retrieving activity logs for a specific user.
Implement endpoints to facilitate the creation and retrieval of activity logs for users.
Implement a POST endpoint to create new activity logs.
Implement a GET endpoint to retrieve all activity logs.
Implement a GET endpoint to retrieve activity logs for a specific user by user ID.
Acceptance Criteria
POST /activity-log
Purpose: Create a new activity log.
Validate the request body.
Save the new activity log to the database.
Status Codes:
201 Created: For successful creation.
400 Bad Request: For validation errors.
401 Unauthorized: For authentication issues.
GET /activity-log
Purpose: Retrieve all activity logs.
Fetch all activity logs from the database.
Status Codes:
200 OK: For successful retrieval.
401 Unauthorized: For authentication issues.
GET /activity-log/{user-id}
Purpose: Retrieve activity logs for a specific user.
Fetch activity logs for the specified user from the database.
Status Codes:
200 OK: For successful retrieval.
404 Not Found: If no activity logs are found for the user.
"status": "error",
"message": "User not found.",
"status_code": 404
Input Validation
Validate that all required fields are present in the request body for POST requests.
Ensure the data meets the required format and criteria.
User Lookup
Ensure the user exists in the database using the provided user ID for GET requests.
Verify that the user is authenticated for all requests.
Ensure the request includes a valid token.
Data Processing
Fetch the relevant data from the database.
Save the new activity logs to the database for POST requests.
Security Best Practices
Implement HTTPS to secure data in transit.
Implement rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks.
Log and monitor activity log requests for suspicious activity.
Notifications and Logs
Maintain audit logs of activity log requests for forensic purposes.
Unit Tests
POST /activity-log Endpoint
Test that the endpoint processes the activity log creation request correctly.
Mock the data access layer to simulate different scenarios.
Verify that the response includes appropriate status codes and messages for various outcomes (successful creation, invalid input, authentication issues).
GET /activity-log Endpoint
Test that the endpoint retrieves all activity logs correctly.
Mock the data access layer to simulate different scenarios.
Verify that the response includes appropriate status codes and messages for successful retrieval and authentication issues.
GET /activity-log/{user-id} Endpoint
Test that the endpoint retrieves activity logs for a specific user correctly.
Mock the data access layer to simulate different scenarios.
Verify that the response includes appropriate status codes and messages for various outcomes
Develop and fix endpoints for handling activity logs. This includes creating new activity logs, retrieving all activity logs, and retrieving activity logs for a specific user.
Implement endpoints to facilitate the creation and retrieval of activity logs for users.
Acceptance Criteria
POST /activity-log
GET /activity-log
GET /activity-log/{user-id}
Response Formats
Successful Creation Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "Activity log created successfully.", "status_code": 201 }
Successful Retrieval Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "Activity logs retrieved successfully.", "status_code": 200, "data": [] }
Invalid Input or Unauthorized Response
{ "status": "error", "message": "Invalid input or authentication issues.", "status_code": 400 }
User Not Found Response
{ "status": "error", "message": "User not found.", "status_code": 404 }
Input Validation
User Lookup
Data Processing
Security Best Practices
Notifications and Logs
Unit Tests
POST /activity-log Endpoint
GET /activity-log Endpoint
GET /activity-log/{user-id} Endpoint