hngprojects / hng_boilerplate_remix

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feat/HNG-11: implement successfully create role model #347

Closed wonderful-coyote closed 1 month ago

wonderful-coyote commented 1 month ago

Title: Implement Success Modal for Role Creation


This pull request introduces a new SuccessModal component to provide visual feedback upon successful role creation. The modal enhances user experience by clearly confirming the action's success and offering a seamless way to continue.

Key features:

Responsive design that works well on both mobile and desktop screens Matches the provided UI/UX design specifications Includes a prominent success icon with a deep green border Clear "Success" message with descriptive text Large, easily clickable "Continue" button Smooth animation for modal appearance and dismissal Implementation details:

Created a new SuccessModal.tsx component in the app/components directory Utilized Tailwind CSS for styling to ensure consistency with the existing design system Implemented the modal using React Portal for proper DOM placement Added props for controlling modal visibility and handling closure This feature completes the user flow for role creation, providing immediate and clear feedback to users upon successful completion of the task.


Tested on various screen sizes to ensure responsiveness Verified modal appearance and dismissal functionality Checked accessibility of modal content and close button Next steps:

Integration with the role creation process Addition of unit and integration tests for the new component Please review and let me know if any changes or additional information is needed. Screenshot 2024-07-22 094940 Screenshot 2024-07-22 094908