hnvn / flutter_image_cropper

A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS supports cropping images
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Black screen appears on iOS #408

Open arsalalgorepublic opened 1 year ago

arsalalgorepublic commented 1 year ago

I am facing an issue where the image is not loading in the iOS device even though the correct path is provided for cropping the image. This issue is causing problems in my project and I am unable to proceed further. CroppedFile? file = await ImageCropper.platform.cropImage( sourcePath: imageFile.path, uiSettings: [ AndroidUiSettings( toolbarTitle: 'Crop Image', toolbarColor: Color(0xFF016AE4), toolbarWidgetColor: Colors.white, initAspectRatio: CropAspectRatioPreset.original, lockAspectRatio: false, ), IOSUiSettings( title: 'Crop Image', ), ], ); Steps to reproduce:

Provide the correct path of the image to be cropped. Run the code to crop the image.

Xcode Logs in exception case: [ScrollView] UIScrollView is ignoring an attempt to set zoomScale to a non-finite value: inf

Expected behavior: The image should load successfully and the code should crop the image as expected.

Actual behavior: The image is not loading in the device even though the correct path is provided. This behavior is not the case every time.

Additional information: I have checked the path multiple times and it is correct. I have tried running the code on different devices but the issue persists. Any help in resolving this issue would be appreciated.

arsalalgorepublic commented 1 year ago

@skabber @ldementhon @azchohfi @p30arena Guys please help me the only problem is that [ScrollView] UIScrollView is ignoring an attempt to set zoomScale to a non-finite value: inf

arslan9380 commented 1 year ago

any update on this issue?

arslan9380 commented 1 year ago

arslan9380 commented 1 year ago


AmirAshvins commented 9 months ago

I have the same issue. The cause of this may be due to using Apple's Live images. Whenever I try to crop a live image, then it fails to load the image, otherwise, it works properly.