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\TextField and \ChoiceMenu don't begin at the start of the line whene there is no text before #64

Closed CarLaTeX closed 9 months ago

CarLaTeX commented 5 years ago

Even if the \TextField and \ChoiceMenu are the first objects in a line with \noindent, they don't begin and the start of the line, there is a little gap.

See this post on TeX.SE: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/489283/why-dont-textfield-and-choicemenu-begin-at-the-start-of-the-line.

`\documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{showframe}

\begin{document} \begin{Form}[action=mailto:my_email@gmail.com?subject={The submitted form},encoding=html, method=post] \noindent Why doesn't the following field begin at the start of the line? \vspace{1ex}

\noindent\TextField[name=a,width=5cm,charsize=8pt, height=.5cm]{} \vspace{4ex}

\noindent Adding \texttt{bordersep=0pt} doesn't help: \vspace{1ex}

\noindent\TextField[bordersep=0pt,name=b,width=5cm, height=.5cm]{} \vspace{4ex}

\noindent The same with a choice menu: \vspace{1ex}

\noindent\ChoiceMenu[combo, name=choice, width=5cm]{}{Choice 1, Choice 2} \end{Form} \end{document}`

u-fischer commented 9 months ago

this issue should be in the hyperref repo https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues. I can't transfer directly as it is a different organization. Could you make a copy there and close here?

CarLaTeX commented 9 months ago

this issue should be in the hyperref repo https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues. I can't transfer directly as it is a different organization. Could you make a copy there and close here?


CarLaTeX commented 9 months ago

Copied in the hyperref repo and closed here.