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backref and multibib #81

Closed zazarara closed 4 years ago

zazarara commented 4 years ago


It seems there is a little bug when using backref package and multibib. The second bibliography created with \newcite has the line \@writefile{brf}{\backcite{RAB_CMAME07}{{1}{(document)}{Doc-Start}}} in the .aux file. Unfortunately the .brf file is not created. If I manually create the brf file for this second bibliography, the page backreferences work...

Find enclosed a minimal working example. Thank you very much for your help.

`` \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % pour les accents \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[table]{xcolor}

\definecolor{bleu}{rgb}{.06, .39, 0.71}

\usepackage[pdftex,pdfborder={0 0 0}, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=bleu, citecolor=bleu, urlcolor=bleu, %violet pagebackref=true, breaklinks=true, naturalnames=true, linktoc=all ]{hyperref}

\usepackage[hyperpageref]{backref}% Page des citations % \renewcommand{\backreflastsep}{, } \renewcommand{\backreflastsep}{ et } \renewcommand{\backreftwosep}{, } \renewcommand{\backref}[1]{} \renewcommand*{\backrefalt}[4]{% \ifcase #1 % % No citations.% use \relax if you do not want the "No citations" % message \relax \or Cité à la page~#2.% % Cité p. #4.% \else Cité aux pages~#2.% % Cité aux pages #4.% \fi% }

% multi bibliographies \usepackage{multibib} \newcites{mesrefs}{Bibliographie personnelle}


Une première citation, \citemesrefs{RAB_CMAME07}.\ Et une deuxième citation \cite{Lumley1967}.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%` %% Bibliographie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\bibliographystyle{apalike-fr} \bibliography{bib1} % \renewcommand{\bibname}{Références bibliographiques personnelles} %

\bibliographystylemesrefs{alpha-fr} \bibliographymesrefs{bib2}


\end{document} bib1.bib @incollection{Lumley1967, address = {Moscow}, author = {Lumley, J. L.}, booktitle = {Atmospheric turbulence and radio propagation}, citeulike-article-id = {592403}, editor = {Yaglom, A.M. and Tatarski, V.I.}, keywords = {homogeneous}, pages = {166--178}, posted-at = {2006-04-20 16:40:24}, priority = {2}, publisher = {Nauka}, title = {{The Structure of Inhomogeneous Turbulent Flows}}, year = {1967} }

bib2.bib @article{RAB_CMAME07, author="I. Rami`ere and Ph. Angot and M. Belliard", title="A fictitious domain approach with spread interface for elliptic problems with general boundary conditions", journal="Computer Methods in Applied Mechecanics and Engineering, vol. 196 (4-6), pp.766-781", year="2007"}

u-fischer commented 4 years ago

This here is the wrong repository. backref is part of hyperref. So I'm closing here.