hoaivan / QuizMarker

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code review 9 June #4

Closed hoaivan closed 12 years ago

hoaivan commented 12 years ago
  1. Set giá trị mặc định cho:

    question-correct-message question-incorrect-message question-uncompleted-message

=> Code Review #6

  1. ExerciseQuestion: set order for question => add new column

=> Done

  1. handling exception in services impl:

    deleteQuestionByExercise catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); }

should be:

catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SystemException(e);
finally {


  1. In Mysql Linux, table name is case sensitive

    DELETE FROM quizmarker_exercisequestion WHERE exerciseId = ?

should be QuizMarker_ExerciseQuestion


  1. Use correct obj in service impl:7

    public void deleteQuestionByExercise(long exerciseId){ ExerciseQuestionFinderUtil.deleteQuestionByExercise(exerciseId);

should be exerciseQuestionFinder.deleteQuestionByExercise()


  1. Gen id cho question item de xac dinh duoc la tra loi cau nao khi submit len server. Su dung CounterLocalService.increment de gen. => Done
  2. Them 1 truong chi rieng client de ko luu noi dung cau hoi chinh xac =>Done
  3. Them width height cho question background image =>Done

9 Dung JsonFactoryUtil.looseSerialize va looseDeserialize. Ko cần encode & decode data => chỉ cần khai báo fields trong các object MultipleChoice và để tự gen. =>Pending.

  1. emptyResultsMessage="there-are-no-results" =>Done
  2. Hotspot vẽ được nhiều hình chữ nhật và chọn được hình nào là lựa chọn đúng. PENDING =>Pending
  3. Viet javascript ko dung comment // =>Done
  4. Chua filter exercise va question theo groupId =>Done
  5. Theme for exercise: Blue hoac Orange =>Done

13: MultipleChoice: public ArrayList answers = new ArrayList(); ==>> private command pattern trong java deu de properties la private roi truy xuat qua getter/setter =>Done

Fill In The Blank Fill Image: 14: is-selection => Tick to display as dropdown, untick to display as text field =>Done 15: suggest-text(separated by ';') => thay bang text area label chuyen thanh: Each option in a line "correct-text(separated by ';') " => Each correct option in a line


16: options ko overlap each other => validate diem bat dau va ket thuc ko trung nhau => Code Review #6

17: mouse over option chuyen thanh pointer =>Done 18: Fill Paragraph: Maker cho place holder: ${PLACEHOLDER} neu gap \${PLACEHOLDER} thi bo qua =>Done

Note khi viet player:

  1. Client side implement cac ham renderFIB & getFIBUserAnswer
  2. Server side implement Player.evaluateFIB & QuizPlayer.handleQuestionAnswered =>Done
hoaivan commented 12 years ago
Set giá trị mặc định cho:


chưa thấy làm!!!! giá trị mặc định lấy theo exercise brainstorming