hoaphantn7604 / react-native-element-dropdown

A react-native dropdown component easy to customize for both iOS and Android.
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Error: "Invariant Violation: scrollToIndex out of range: requested index 228 is out of 0 to 148" #156

Open jonqwerty opened 1 year ago

jonqwerty commented 1 year ago

Hi, I use react-native-element-dropdown. Data for displaying in dropdown counts about 300 items. From time to time I receive error : "Invariant Violation: scrollToIndex out of range: requested index 228 is out of 0 to 148" when I use search.

Here is code `

{renderLabel()} setIsFocus(true)} onBlur={() => setIsFocus(false)} onChange={async item => { setChoosenBranch(item.value); setIsFocus(false); }} renderItem={item => renderItem(item)} search // searchField="value" searchPlaceholder={t('Search...')} inputSearchStyle={styles.inputSearchStyle} maxHeight={350} /> ` "react-native": "0.70.5", "react-native-element-dropdown": "^2.3.0", ![Screenshot_5](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50663567/225679589-76a6905d-d6a1-47e4-b2e1-083556b37c33.jpg) Is there any way to fix this?
HERYORDEJY commented 1 year ago

@jonqwerty Have you been able to solve this? Facing same issue

jonqwerty commented 1 year ago


I didn't solve this problem, but I avoided it. As I understand it, this error occurs when autoscrolling to the selected item and when the length of the list is more than 50 items (determined experimentally).

How to avoid it: autoScroll={false}. But then autoscroll will not be working :)

hoaphantn7604 commented 1 year ago

hi @jonqwerty @HERYORDEJY-DEV , This error happen in version 2.8.1?

jonqwerty commented 1 year ago

@hoaphantn7604 No, this error happen in version 2.3.0 "react-native-element-dropdown": "^2.3.0"

hoaphantn7604 commented 1 year ago

@hoaphantn7604 No, this error happen in version 2.3.0 "react-native-element-dropdown": "^2.3.0" Did you try again on version 2.8.1?

jonqwerty commented 1 year ago


I try version 2.8.1 and receive the same error: Screenshot_7 Screenshot_8 Screenshot_11

wilkuintheair commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue, on the 2.9.0 version.

The other workaround would be to provide getItemLayout in flatListProps:

  getItemLayout: (data, index) => ({
    length: itemHeight,
    offset: itemHeight * index,
vinhvuongthe commented 1 year ago

@wilkuintheair can you help me fix this error. i didn't find flatListProps

gani419 commented 1 year ago

Same error happening with version@1.8.8 getting this error please help.

chinmay4github1987 commented 1 year ago


I didn't solve this problem, but I avoided it. As I understand it, this error occurs when autoscrolling to the selected item and when the length of the list is more than 50 items (determined experimentally).

How to avoid it: autoScroll={false}. But then autoscroll will not be working :)

Did you find any other way to fix this code even i am getting the same error

dogra-deepak-tftus commented 1 year ago

I placed the problem code in try catch.it stops the crash ===>

try{ refList?.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: index, animated: false, }); } catch(e){ console.log("error===>",e) }

in scrollIndex function

rituoctifi commented 1 year ago

The solution that worked for me is

add this prop in your dropdown, where itemHeight = 50.

This hack is surely gonna work.

*flatListProps={{ getItemLayout: (data, index) => ({ length: itemHeight / data?.length, offset: itemHeight (index), index, }), }}**

Also apply add height to your dropdown style. I have added style = {{ height: 55 }}

ThanSau1105 commented 7 months ago

add autoScroll={false}