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Choose an IRC Logger #2

Closed CircleCode closed 8 years ago

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

we made the decision during Hoa Apex'15 to use an IRC logger to keep track of discussions, and have the ability to search through them.

the logger must have these features:

These questions are some points that can be used as a basis for our choice. This is not an exhaustive list.

Jir4 commented 8 years ago

Maybe it might be interesting to have a notification when something happens during the night, we also have to specify in the topic of the main channel our time zone as we said yesterday

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

I considered several daemons.

I first restricted my search to php daemons, but only a few seem light and robust. Then I extended my search, and here is the candidate I found:


@Pierozi what do you think about the stack required for ilbot, would you consider installing it on our infrastructure or do you see any cons?

we can consider adding logging functionality to https://github.com/hoaproject/Marvirc, but this cannot be achieved in a short time, and we would also have to write the web IHM

the other simple and immediate solution would be ton use colabti logger (http://colabti.org/ilogger2/IrcLogger2.html), but this is not open source (btw, it seems trustable) and we do not have the logs physically.

Jir4 commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode i don't really understand why upgrade Marvirc can not be achieved in a short time.

thehawk970 commented 8 years ago

I think in the night :p

So Marvirc (or other) can log when we are mentionned and offline. And notify us when we connect , as a little report like an answering machine.

Marvirc: [13h37] @foo : I need ...

@Jir4: +1

vonglasow commented 8 years ago

@Jir4 @camael24 +1 aggreed with improve marvirc. We just need to log each line and it's easy because marvirc already read it the "only" thing to do is to know where to store it and how this will be searchable. For the web IHM a searcher like this we have in hoa-project looks good.

Jir4 commented 8 years ago

I dont think we are mentionned when we are offline, users ping someone in the channel.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@camael24 the idea is to log everything so that we can search later. for mentions, I think this is not te role of the logger, but rather the role of a bouncer, or another Marvirc plugin. but the only role of the logger must be to… log everything

@Jir4 my assumption was that if this exists, wa can spend time on other features. But if someone wants to write such a feature in Marvirc, one could open an issue in Marvirc Repo (where we can discuss further about it).

@vonglasow the pure logging part is not so hard (it "just" has to store each line, right) but it has to be designed with search, security, mail obfusaction, etc. in mind. Moreover, I am against adding the logs to the actual search engine, because this would "pollute" the site own results.

vonglasow commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode: The goal was not to add it on the actual search engine but take it as source to do another one dedicated to the log. Why do you need obfuscation for this logging ? Everything is public on IRC. We have nothing to hide :d

Pierozi commented 8 years ago

:+1: for Marvirc but like @CircleCode said, only for logger. Like it's lot of data, I think the better solution are to store in text file, one per each day. Easy to read and write by stream and make a dedicated page on hoa-project.net.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@vonglasow when you write your mail on IRC, you know that only people present at this time will read it. when this is logged, it means that this is "on the internet" and can be accessed later by anybody. So we need mail obfuscation

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Pierozi like always, good point: if we have text files in a "first version", it seems sufficient. Search and some other features can be added later to the website through another issue.

Hywan commented 8 years ago

Marvirc is a good choice but… what about an external service? We do not want to host everything… And if we use Marvirc, we need to write the web interface, the search engine etc. ourselves.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan that was my point when I suggested to use http://colabti.org/ilogger2/IrcLogger2.html (the only requirement is to ask to be logged…!)

Hywan commented 8 years ago


Where can I download the source code ?

The source code of the bot is currently not available for download.



CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan that was the concern I had (see my comment) … btw, I think they are trustable

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode They are not trustable until we can see their code :-].

Jir4 commented 8 years ago

@Hywan :+1:

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan @Jir4 so the external service is no longer an option. We still have to choose between ilbot (already written, robust, but not fitting our needs at 100%) and adding log functionnality to Marvirc (can be achieved in several steps, but time consuming and it requires someone to work on it).


thehawk970 commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode +1 :clap:

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode We can use an external service that we trust because open sourced. Does it exist? We can ask on Twitter too. Make a tweet and the @hoaproject account will RT it.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan I'll be in vacation for 15 days, and do not use twitter as often as I used to. I think it would be better if the tweet comes from hoa account (by mentioning my account)

Hywan commented 8 years ago


CircleCode commented 8 years ago

answering here about WildPHP/Wild-IRC-Bot (new version of wildphp.com/simple-irc-logger mentioned by @Cyrano24): I looked at it, but it seems to much for our needs (we only want a logger, and we already have Marvirc for other bots' tasks)

Grummfy commented 8 years ago

https://botbot.me/ => https://github.com/BotBotMe

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@Grummfy w00t, love it! Trusted by Rust. I made a quick audit of the code, looks code. The web interface is really neat and polished, love it.

Grummfy commented 8 years ago

Yep, me too love the interface ;)

Jir4 commented 8 years ago


CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan, @Grummfy love it too, seems reliable (and I had no skill to audit the code, but I trust Hywan's judgment) If we choose botbot, I'd just have a few questions for them, like:

these questions are not blockers, just informations

Hywan commented 8 years ago


They are on Freenode if I mind correctly. I will ask today if nobody does it.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan maybe you can ask'em on freenode to answer here so that we keep an history, and discuss with them here

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan by other features, I was speaking about their plugins

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode As far as I know, we are not required to install these plugins. I am going to ask.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan if we choose the hosted service, there is no "installation": we just ask'em to make their bot instance join our channel. In this cas, the meaning of my question was: “can they disable plugins on a per channel basis”

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode We can just don't use them ;-), but good point.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago


We can just don't use them ;-)

My concern is about having 2 bots on the chan. I want it to be clear that the botbot one is only here for logging so that we can replace it by another one if we decide it later.

This leads me to another question: is there a way to get the logs back (for example in txt files) at any time?

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode Please, write all questions in the description comment.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan done :-)

Grummfy commented 8 years ago

for info on #mongodb chan they put comment when you come on the channel saying that everything is logged :)

LeoVerto commented 8 years ago

@Hywan We've recently started using BotBot as our new @metabrainz chat logger and have been pretty satisfied so far.

While it didn't do the actual setup, it seemed to be pretty easy. The bot is mainly developed for running on botbot.me with public account creation so we recently decided to fork the -web part (logger and webinterface) and are planning to change it to work better with our overall theme and also to remove some stuff we don't need.

Funnily, since we also make use of "[off]", I recently implemented that feature (with a configurable prefix) which is currently an open PR on upstream.

BotBot's plugin system is a bit different that something like Hubot's. Messages are saved in a redis queue and sent read-only to plugins. This means that a plugin crashing won't take the whole thing down, but also prevents plugins from removing messages from the queue, which was my initial idea for implementing [off].

All in all we are quite happy with BotBot and hope to be able to push some improvements upstream in the future.

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@LeoVerto Thank you for your feedback!

Freso commented 8 years ago

I came here to write pretty much exactly what @LeoVerto wrote. :) Anyway, as has been mentioned, there's also the possibility of using https://botbot.me as a service to publicly log the channel for you, instead of having to deal with running your own instance. You asked a couple of questions about this earlier, and maybe I can provide reasonable answers:

It should be noted that I'm not in any way affiliated with @BotBotMe / @LincolnLoop, these are merely observations from (mostly) lurking in #lincolnloop for several months. I was involved in picking @BotBotMe as @MetaBrainz' new logger though, and I still stand by that, but the two points above were some of the major considerations that led to us running our own instance of the logger (as @LeoVerto talked about) instead of using the hosted service at BotBot.me.

Pierozi commented 8 years ago

Thanks both @LeoVerto & @Freso for sharing your experience, it's really appreciate.

@BotBotMe are pretty good, write in Go, good choice for this appliance, and light in consumption. Dependences are PostgreSQL and Redis ( :clap: ) both light to install and handle.

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@Pierozi Because, you imagine installing it on our own servers?

harikt commented 8 years ago

Regarding the bot , no one seems mentioning https://github.com/phergie .

Jir4 commented 8 years ago

@harikt because we look for a logger and not for a bot

harikt commented 8 years ago

ok, Thanks for clarifying.

Hywan commented 8 years ago

I sent a request to botbot.me: screen shot 2015-10-26 at 15 37 48

Hywan commented 8 years ago

We have no “request ticket”, so we cannot follow up the progression. Waiting.

CircleCode commented 8 years ago

@Hywan so you decided a hosted BotBot.me. I agree with this choice (sorry for the late answer, I was on holidays), but I really think that once Marvirc has logger feature ( Hywan/Marvirc#5 ), we will have to switch to it (so that we can "manage" everything). Until this is done, a hosted solyution seems to be the best. Btw, remember botbot offers a lot of functionalities, and can be conflictuous with Marvirc.

Hywan commented 8 years ago

@CircleCode We can just avoid to talk to BotBot.me and everything is going to be fine. I didn't choose anything, it was apparently the main choice :smiley:.