hoaproject / Contributions-Symfony-RulerBundle

The Hoa\Ruler Symfony2 bundle.
15 stars 4 forks source link

Updated dependency version #9

Closed wakqasahmed closed 7 years ago

wakqasahmed commented 7 years ago

Works as expected, tested on akeneo

Hywan commented 7 years ago

It looks good. Don't know if there are other implications. I will try to merge it today!

wakqasahmed commented 7 years ago

Thanks, it would be nice since right now i am using my patch as a workaround.

Hywan commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much @wakqasahmed :-).

Hywan commented 7 years ago

Welcome on board, https://hoa-project.net/En/Community.html \o/

Hywan commented 7 years ago

You even have a release, https://github.com/hoaproject/Contributions-Symfony-RulerBundle/releases :-].

wakqasahmed commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the appreciation. Open-source community rocks!

Hywan commented 7 years ago

If you heard of any events in Dubai where you think we can fit, please, ping us :-). Never gone there, and would love too!