hoaproject / Infrastructure

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AWS Packer build with debian ami #8

Open Pierozi opened 8 years ago

Pierozi commented 8 years ago

It's been a long time i've not taken part of this, but there is it with explanation.

>> AWS AMI are an Amazon server image for EC2 instance.

At first, I've tried to build our AMI from own Debian build released by @Hywan. But it's heavy process because we need to configure the server with amazon requirement (xen tools, volume..) and then use lots of command build for transform local snapshot IMG to an aws AMI.

But all of that is kind of useless because the Debian maintainers already did it, and they do it better and faster than me for sure! https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Jessie

There how it's work, Packer are able to create your own AMI from another AMI. Instead of launching Vitrualbox he will run an AWS EC2 instance and mutable this instance with the packer settings and provisioning and then create a newer amazon AMI for this snapshot.

I also want talk about orchestration and deployment of Provisioners on production infrastructure, but i will open a new thread for this.


Hywan commented 8 years ago
