hoarder-app / hoarder

A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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add Arch Linux installation #223

Closed devome closed 1 week ago

devome commented 2 weeks ago

add Arch Linux installation

MohamedBassem commented 1 week ago

Oh wow, that I didn't see coming :) Thanks a lot for submitting this to arch's registry. Pardon my ignorance with the arch model, but I'm wondering, what's the maintenance model here? For example, with version updates, is it going to be on you to notice that there's a version upgrade an update the arch package? Same with new package dependencies, etc? Does the arch registry accept PRs (or whatever they are called there) from people other than the maintainer?

As for the PR itself, I'll have a look on the PKGBUILD file and merge afterwards :)

devome commented 1 week ago

If hoarder has an update, the package on AUR will also be updated automatically by my nvcheck scripts. If there is a change in dependency, I usually notice it, or other users will remind me to add it when they notice it.

AUR only accepts maintainer or co-maintainer maintenance. Other users can leave comments on the package page if they have suggestions or ideas. However, if the maintainer uploads the PKGBUILD to GitHub, they can also accept PRs from anyone.

AUR can add co-maintainers and maintain packages together. If you are willing to participate in the maintenance work of hoarder on AUR, I can add you as a co-maintainer, would you?

MohamedBassem commented 1 week ago

Thanks a lot for your effort adding Hoarder to arch. I'm not an arch user myself, but if you need any help maintaining the package, please let me know and I'd be happy to help :)

devome commented 1 week ago

@MohamedBassem That's OK, thank you.