hoarder-app / hoarder

A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Mobile app: don't open after hoarding #237

Open DominikBritz opened 1 week ago

DominikBritz commented 1 week ago

When I hoard something via the Android share menu, I get the black "Hoarded!" screen and then the mobile app opens.

Can we have an option to not show the app? I mean my point of hoarding is to read it later - seeing the app is unnecessary.

Thanks for this awesome project btw., ditched Pocket for Hoarder!

MikeKMiller commented 1 week ago

That would be nice....

MohamedBassem commented 6 days ago

Yeah ... I know. Unfortunately, it's currently a limitation in the library we're using for the share sheet. I'll try to open an issue to that library and see what would it take to allow us to support that.

lucius346346 commented 3 days ago

Agreed. It should probably display a toast message or a toolbar, like Pocket has.